
Although the term was only nine weeks, we have managed to squeeze in a range of activities for our students at Blackburn. Our Year 7’s and 8’s had an amazing time on their camps and the staff enjoyed the opportunity to work with our Freeman students outside of the classroom setting.
To continue building on the House spirit and culture, some of our students leaders attended a smoking ceremony for Sorry Day and participated in events for the Dunlop and Hollows fundraisers. Our students have been working hard preparing for exams and assessments and should be commended for their effort and motivation towards their studies.
We have managed to continue running our excursions, incursions and inter-school sports and the students have been excellent at representing the school during these events.
I would like to acknowledge the work of the Freeman staff in implementing the Mentor Program, checking in with students and continuing to build a sense of belonging for students to the House and school. It has been a busy semester and I hope all students and families enjoy their break and get ready to hit the ground running in Term 3.
Year 7 Camp
In early June, Freeman Year 7s joined Melba Year 7s (and teachers) for three cold, wet but action packed days in Kinglake. The camp had a focus on both well-being and adventure, in an amazing forest setting. It was fantastic to see students (and teachers) out of their comfort zone, doing forest walks, trust games, rope climbing courses and more. The food was top notch (crucial on a camp!) and the crew really embraced the setting and the focus. We came back to Melbourne on Friday afternoon challenged, looking forward to a warm bed and shower, yet also pumped and happy.
After two years of not being able to do this sort of thing, I know I really appreciated being able to connect with Freeman students in a cool setting, even if I could have had more sleep! Well done to all the students and teachers for being such champions.
Matt Joyce, Freeman Assistant House Leader
House Competitions
In the second half of Term 2, the students have been competing in an intra-house competition designed by our student leaders during Fun Friday. The students developed five activities; paper-plane competition, quiz, basketball free-throw competition, beanbag toss and a Blooket interactive game. All Mentor Groups will rotate through each of the activities and an overall winner will be announced early Term 3.
Year 12 Profiles
Linnea Murray
What is your favourite animal? Cat
How long have you been at Blackburn High School? I have been here since Year 7
What is your favourite subject? Studio Art
If you won a million dollars, what would you do? I would buy a fancy screen tablet for my digital art
What is at the top of your bucket list?
I don't have a bucket list
Who is your hero? Chiaki Morisawa
What are your plans for next year?
Go to TAFE and maybe get a job
What is your best memory of Blackburn High School?
Music camp for when I played in the string orchestras
Joey Armstrong
What is your favourite animal? Pigs then Dogs
How long have you been at Blackburn High School? 14 minutes today
What is your favourite subject? Systems engineering
If you won a million dollars, what would you do? Help parents, then buy a ride-on lawn mower
What is at the top of your bucket list? Visit New Zealand glaciers
Who is your hero?
I don't have one but if had to pick Elon musk
What are your plans for next year?
Great question, lots of paths I just need to pick one
What is your best memory of Blackburn High School? 2017 House Performing Arts Freeman winning it was beauty and the beast