
Languages Afternoon

On Thursday 19 May, Blackburn High School’s Languages faculty launched its inaugural Languages Day at the school. 


Here are some photos of the wonderful day. 

Crepes from Kellie and Katrien where students practiced the language, of course ordering in French! 

And the magnificent bi-lingual (French-English) 

Puppet show, “Cendrillon”.

Many thanks to Carrousel Performing Company! The students interacted well and were once again exposed to the French language.

The German staff organised a wonderful stand consisting of Bratwursts and pretzels which were a great success also! 

They were also entertained by the wonderful Schwarzald band where students were engaged and partook in the singing and dancing.  A very enjoyable and successful afternoon, exhibiting our wonderful Language faculty at BHS.

Looking forward to our next Language afternoon, next year!

Madame Crescia. (French Teacher)

German Film Festival

The Year 11 and Year 10 students attended the 2022 German Film Festival at Kino Cinema in the city. We saw the film ‘The wall between us’ set in the 1980's in divided Germany. It tells the story of a group of young people dealing with life in East and West Germany; the difficulties they overcame and a love story that blossomed and survived after the two main characters were forbidden from seeing each other. The film ties in well with topics we cover in both Year 10 and Year 11. 

It was an ‘unterhaltsamer’ film, as the Germans would say and it was also great to see a number of other school groups at the festival.