Feast of the Assumption - August 15th
Yesterday, August 15th we celebrated the Feast of the Assumption of Mary. As a school we attended Mass, sang songs and celebrated this most holy of times.
The Feast of the Assumption is an important day when we remember when Mary the mother of Jesus was taken up to the glory of heaven. Mary was a woman full of the Holy Spirit and received God's power to do his work.
Father's Day and Special Persons Mass
Father's Day and Special Persons Mass - Sunday August 28th. Our Senior classes are hosting the school / parish Mass to celebrate our Fathers and all of the special people in our lives.
We warmly extend this invitation to all of the Father's and special people of the Saint Joseph's School: All families are invited to attend.
**Please note that the Mass is actually held the week before Father's Day so that we do not interfer with any family plans **
TERM 3 11th July - 16th September | |
28th August | Saint Josephs: Father’s Day Mass - Seniors |
6th September | Saint Josephs: Senior Year Level Mass |
Religious Education at Saint Joseph’s
We are a Catholic School that models Religious Education lessons around the teachings of the Gospel where we are all encouraged to be the best person that we can be. We promote curiosity and wonder when exploring themes of Social Justice and we approach this learning using an Inquiry method based on the Pedagogy of Encounter. We explore other religions in the context of the Christian faith and encourage tolerance and acceptance of all people and all religious denominations.
Sacrament Dates - Seniors
TERM 4 3rd October - 20th December | |
25th October | Saint Josephs: Faith Formation Night : Confirmation |
28th October | Saint Josephs: Reconciliation Paraliturgy for Confirmation Children 10am |
4th November | Saint Josephs: Bishop Terry’s visiting Saint Joseph’s 10am |
5th November | Saint Josephs: Sacrament of Confirmation 3pm |