Please click to view the St Joseph's Philosophy Statement


Our Vision

St Joseph’s school community will work in partnership to build:

A faith community inspired by Gospel Values

A learning community that values a culture of excellence and a passion for life-long learning

 A community that is committed to and promotes a strong sense of self-belief and personal high expectations

A community that actively, positively and responsibly engages with and contributes to school, local and global communities


The Philosophy and Vision of the school is at the centre of our focus and there are expectations about all work aligning with the vision.  Regular evaluation processes are in place to measure performance in all areas of the school with respect to the implementation of the vision and values of the school.  All documentation will reflect the set of practices of the school. This includes organisational structures, teaching and learning practices and programs, internal and external interactions, School Advisory Council  and community programs.  A detailed list of school policies sit within this framework as part of VRQA quality assurance requirements.nsu


Our belief that Every Student Matters and Every Moment Counts is the bedrock of our approach to schooling.  An organised structure of attributes, principles and understandings expressed in the design of our curriculum ensures the students are aware of 'where they are at' with their learning 'where they need to get to' and 'how to get there'.


Our highly skilled staff provide programs based upon team curriculum design, authoritative research and theories, school priorities and most importantly individual student needs.