P & F

P&F Street Stall - Tomorrow Friday 18th October 

Our second (and final) street stall for this year is tomorrow, October 18. We would greatly appreciate as many families as possible baking and making things for us to sell. 

Please make sure all sold raffle tickets have been returned to school by tomorrow morning.

Cheese & Wine Evening

Due to clash of events for many families we have postponed the Wine & Cheese Night Friday 25th October & a new date is to be advised.


The P & F along with the School Advisory Council wanted to host a non fundraising event -  A Wine & Cheese Night,  for St Patrick's families to gather together to support each other in the difficult times of the drought. 


Wine, beer & cheese to be provided with good friendship and support during this difficult season for the adults. With a Sausage Sizzle for the children while they play games at the Tennis Club.


A discussion on the new date will take place on Monday night at the P & F meeting.


The next P&F meeting is on Monday 21st October at 6pm in the School Library.

P & F Minutes from 16th September

P & F Events 2019

P & F Street Stall - 18th October


POSTPONED - Wine & Cheese Night Friday 25th October 


Disco 13th November 


Parents are reminded that all contact with the school should be through the front office.  Please ensure that emails advising of absences, changes to routine, requests for meetings etc, are sent to the school email.  Please note the email address -  spwadmin@arm.catholic.edu.au