
PRAYER for Rain

God our Father,

You created our earth to nourish us and give us life .

And Jesus told us to ask and it will be given to us .

We ask now in Faith, Hope and Love that you look with favour on our drought stricken land, our starving animals and failing produce.

Sustain, strengthen and give new heart to our farmers and all those affected by this drought.

In your loving providence send us your abundant rain soon, renew the faith of your people and the face of our land.

We make this prayer, through Jesus Christ who gives new life to all living things. 


Prayer of St Patrick's Breastplate

I arise today

Through the strength of heaven

Light of sun

Radiance of the moon

Splendor of fire

Speed of lightning

Swiftness of wind

Depth of the sea

Stability of earth

Firmness of rock


I arise today 

Through God's strength to pilot me

God's eye to look before me, God's wisdom to guide me, 

God's eye to look before me, God's shield to protect me

From all who shall wish me ill

Afar and a-near, alone and in a multitude

Against every cruel, merciless power

That may oppose my body and soul


Christ with me,  Christ before me,

Christ behind me, Christ in me,

Christ beneath me, Christ above me,

Christ on my right, Christ on my left,

Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down,

Christ when I arise, Christ to shield me,

Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,

Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,

I arise today.

Catherine McAuley founder of the Sisters of Mercy Reflection

To connect the rich to the poor

The healthy to the sick

The educated and the skilled to the uninstructed

The influential to those of no consequence

The powerful to the weak

To do the work of God on earth.

St Patrick's Church Walcha

Weekend Mass Time: Sunday - 10am

For Baptism or Marriage enquiries phone Monsignor Ted Wilkes 67784070