Principal's report

Greeting to families of MPWPS,
Welcome, welcome, welcome back to your school! We have been waiting and preparing for this day and we hope that you are excited to have your child return, and that you have wondered and enjoyed the time spent at home with your child/ren.
Whilst the COVID19 situation has been and continues, to be a challenge for us all, there are some important learning's to be appreciated. As a parent you have had the chance, to know your child/ren in a different context and for some parents and children it will be a ‘transition’ out of this situation to school. We will appreciate and support this need. As parents you will also have had first-hand experience over time, of your child as a learner; understanding how they can manage independently, be willing to give things a go, and risk themselves to find out more about a task. You will also know if your child is easily distracted or difficult to motivate. Sometimes at school behaviours are different so please check in with the teacher to see how your child is going. All of these things I am sure has provided opportunity for the family to grow together.
No doubt our children will be keen to meet their friends again as school is a social situation. As teachers, we will appreciate this and provide time for the ‘catching -up’ and monitor the fitting back into the routine of learning at school.
Remote Learning has provided opportunities for all and as a staff we will be reviewing, reflecting on these weeks and capturing the positive aspects of online learning, building these structures into our current practice. There is really no returning to what we used to do; our students are demanding more!
In order for us to hear your voices in this reflection there is a parent and student survey.
Your family received a specific letter outlining the surveys and the specific logon details. I urge you to find the letter (on COMPASS) and complete the survey. If you are unable to find the information please contact the General Office for direction.
In the meantime, again I say welcome back, remember to check which gate you are to enter, and that we have staggered arrivals and dismissal times to ensure less contact and everyone’s safety.
F-2 arrival: 8.40-8.50 dismissal 3.20 pm. Please check the gates for entry and exit.
3-6 arrival 8.50-9.00 dismissal 3.15 pm. Please check the gates for entry and exit.
Some Changes
As this is an unusual time for us all there will be some changes that children will need to adjust too. One of those is the playing areas. For the weeks between now and the holidays (June 26th) the F-2 students will be playing in the area around the Little Adventure, the Hall and Library buildings. The Grades 3-6 will be on the synthigrass and Big Adventure areas. If you could please explain to your child (especially if they are in F-2) that whilst soccer is their favourite game, a form of this can be played in the area designated for them, they just have to be careful and practice their skills like dribbling etc. Keeping our children separated in this way assists us to monitor their contact and therefore their safety.
Upcoming Principal Q and A sessions for 2021 enrolments
Our Virtual Tour of the school is proving popular with many ‘hits’ from the website. The next opportunity for prospective parents wanting to enrol in 2021 will be the Principal Q and A sessions on Thursday June 11 and Wednesday June 17. These will run across the day and will be through WebEx. No need to leave work just lock in a suitable time and logon! The WebEx details will be available to existing parents via COMPASS. Tell your friends and community.
Finally, please ensure you are monitoring your child’s screen time, and that they are engaging and interacting with the right age appropriate platforms. Comments said online seem to be so much more powerful, than when said face to face. Our best advice is to report to us anything that seems to be not within our Acceptable Use Agreement. This preventative behaviour keeps everyone safe especially your buddies.
Well that’s about it from me. Until we meet in person have a great short week.
Kerri Simpson