Education News 

Nature's Wonders

This week there is a new area in the Hall – Nature’s Wonders.

Thanks to Sadie for bringing in the natural materials for students to explore, touch and smell. We invite everyone to come and read the children’s discoveries. Stay tuned as the garden will grow and be added to over the remainder of the term.

District swimming

This morning students from grade 4, 5 & 6 attended the swimming trials at Queens Park pool. Eighty-eight students participated in the trials, which involved 50 metre freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly.  Thank you to the parents who assisted in timekeeping and to teachers Kim, Maddie, Fiona and Michelle who ensured all students tried their best and supported each other. At the end of the trials the students were treated to a free swim in the pool. Thanks to Bree for her organisation and to the students whose behaviour and camaraderie was exemplary.