Principal's report

Information Evenings & Getting to know you interviews
The information evening have nearly drawn to a close. Next week is the first of the Parent/Carer/Teacher Meet the Teacher ‘Getting to know you’ meetings. For further details please contact your classroom teacher.
School Self Evaluation
As part of our School Self Evaluation, next week throughout the time of Parent/carer teacher interviews you will find a number of question sheets and response boxes located around the school. Your feedback and comments in response to the questions would be very much appreciated.
Further opportunities for consultation and feedback from community members,staff and students will take place throughout the remainder of Term 1.
Community Picnic
Last Friday evening the community came together to celebrate the start of the 2018 school year. We enjoyed the balmy weather, bbq and the band who provided some cool jazz tunes for all to enjoy. Thank you to all who helped make the evening so enjoyable for all.
Additional needs information session
Last week a number of parents and carers attended an information session on additional needs, reasonable adjustments and the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD). For parents and carers who were unable to attend the information session the presentation will be posted on our school website next week.
If you have any further questions in relation to additional needs, reasonable adjustments and the PSD and/or the presentation please contact Barb Springfield.
Parent/Carers Payment Information Booklet
Today a Parent/Carers Payment Information Booklet has been sent home to all families. The booklet contains an explanatory letter, a Parent and Carer Payment Policy and Implementation document, details about Student Accident Insurance and a form outlining payments and levies.
School Council elections
The annual School Council elections cycle commences today. In 2018 we have 3 parent/community member vacancies and 2 DET vacancies. Below is the process and timetable for the elections. Nomination forms are available from the Office.
Friday 16th February 2018
- Notice of election and call for nominations
Friday 2nd March 2018
- Closing date for nominations
- Date by which list of candidates and nominators will be posted
On or before Wednesday 7th March 2018 (if required)
- Date by which ballot papers will be prepared and distributed
Thursday 15th March 2018
- Close of ballot
Friday 16th March 2018
- Vote count
Tuesday 20th March 2018
- Declaration of ballot
Monday 26th March 2018
- Special council meeting to co opt community members (the principal will preside)
- First council meeting to elect office bearers (the principal will preside)
Working with Children Check
Please be reminded that parent helpers and volunteers require a valid Working with Children Check. A register of all Working with Children Check is held in the office. As part of our obligations to ensure Working with Children Checks are valid, spot checks will be conducted over the coming weeks.
An induction for all parent helpers and volunteers will be conducted early in term 2.
Secondary School Expo
The annual Secondary School Expo will be held in the school gym on March 21st. Further details will be available in the coming weeks.
Afterschool care will be in the performance space and the library on this day.
Reminder - Movie Night
On Friday 23rd March we will be holding our annual movie night. This is a wonderful opportunity for community to come together and enjoy a family evening under the stars - weather permitting. Please see the flyer within our Fundraising Events page within this newsletter.
The Fundraising Group are looking for new community to members to join the group and volunteers to help out at upcoming events. Please leave your details at the Office.
Skoolbag App
In response to our recent communications survey to receive your child's activities information via electronic channels, such as by email or through an app, we have commenced a 30 day trial of the Skoolbag App . The trial is available to community members who have IPhones or Ipads. The App would become available to Android users if we continue with Skoolbag as our provider. The App will allow us to update the community with simple push notifications via a secure login. Families are able to download the SkoolBag App to their phone or tablet or access it via the website plugin. This app will perform a different function to the internal DET SMS alert system. Please see the reminder re SMS permission forms below.
Reminder - SMS Forms
A reminder to please send back your SMS forms to enable the school to send parents and carers SMS communication, for example, in emergency situations and for student non-attendance at school. By sending back the form with up-to-date mobile and email details parents and carers authorise the inclusion of these details in the sms functionality of the Department of Education’s CASES21 system.
If you have any further questions regarding this could you please contact the office.
Enjoy the weekend,
Notices Home
Tuesday 13th February
- Letter to families Room 1
- Letter to families Room 2