News from Foundation


Congratulations to all our Foundation students on their amazing efforts during swimming lessons! I was so proud of how much resilience and courage they had to learn a new skill! They all did a fantastic job and they have learnt so much!

Melbourne Museum

On Thursday the 3rd of November, the F/1/2's went on an excursion to the Melbourne Museum. We started our day by catching the train into the city! It was very exciting as it was lots of kids first time on the train!! 


When we arrived at the museum we got to explore lots of things! We looked at Melbourne story which told us lots about how Melbourne has grown and changed over the years! We also went through the forest gallery and saw fish, lizards and stick insects! We then got to explore the bug exhibits as well as the dinosaurs!


Sports Day

The F/1/2's had an awesome time at their sports day last Friday! The sunshine was out which made it an awesome day! They enjoyed the running races, sack races, rob the next game and even the big parachute! It was a great day full of fun and even better that we all won ribbons!!

Froggy Maths

This week in Maths we have been learning about Data! The kids have shown a huge interest in our little waterways that have tadpoles, froglets and frogs living in them! With the 1/2's the Foundations went on a search for Tadpoles, froglets and frogs, to see how many of each they could find! They absolutely loved it!



Information reports

This term the Foundations have been learning about Information Reports. They have been practicing knowing and understanding what a fact is and how facts can be grouped together. This week we had a look at lots of different animals and facts about them. Yesterday we learnt about Koalas and discovered heaps of facts about them.