Welcome from the Principal

Welcome to the 2024 School Year
It is my great pleasure to greet students, parents and staff at the start of 2024. We are very excited to commence the new school year and I offer a warm and sincere welcome to all new students and families. The energy of our Year 7s and Junior School students in their classroom drop-ins today was very marked and we are delighted to have your in our community. I am very confident our new students will settle quickly and smoothly.
We trust that the year ahead will be a time of growth and success. Our goal in Growing Our People is to support our students to flourish and develop holistically within our school environment.
2023 HSC
We were delighted with the HSC results of our Year 12s last year and celebrated wonderful student success. The achievements went far beyond the highlights of the best ever Calrossy ATAR (99.9 for Larissa Smyth), a first in the state (Ella Ward in Primary Industries) and four other NSW Top 10 subject results, as good as these were. Our average course marks, improvement scores and university offers were outstanding. The growth of other students, not placed on the top achiever list, were just as admirable. That many of our high scorers had enjoyed their education through our Junior School was of great encouragement.
I congratulate our students, staff and parents on these wonderful achievements, cementing us as a high performing school. I wish our graduates every success and God’s richest blessings beyond school, whether going straight to Uni, to work or taking a GAP year.
2024 Year of Courage
The theme for this year is Courage. It is relevant given the research and learning on resilience, boldness, facing adversity and the importance of confidence in growing as learners and in character. Every member of our community is encouraged to embrace courage and make 2024 a positive one.
New Leadership at Calrossy (Pics of Kelli and Sam)
I am delighted to welcome Mrs Kelli Cato as our new Deputy Principal (P -12) and Mr Sam Anderson as Head of Calrossy 7 – 9.
Mrs Cato joins us from Malik Fahd School in Sydney where she was the Director of Professional Practice and Innovation. She is a Japanese teacher and has spent time living in Japan, as well as working with the NSW Standards Authority as a Principal Policy Officer in Curriculum and Assessment. Kelli and her husband Nick have joined St Paul’s church, leaving adult children in Sydney and Wollongong.
Mr Anderson is a native Kiwi, most recently having worked at The Scots College in Sydney. He has worked in Primary and Secondary schools, as well as in Church position in NSW, possessing qualifications in in both teaching and theology. Sam is a strong advocate of student leadership and looks forward to moving his family from the Blue Mountains once accommodation for his large family can be secured.
New Staff
Other new teaching staff will be introduced in newsletters next week. We are pleased to welcome Mrs Lisa Hinwood as our new Head of Community and Enrolments, taking up that position this week.
Year Level Hub Pages:
We encourage all Secondary students (and Primary parents) to check their Year Level Hub pages for welcome messages from their Year Advisors and Teachers. Term 1 promises to be a busy time. The Hub serves as a valuable resource to parents and students for important announcements, updates, and information relevant to each year level.
Uniform and Hair Standard:
One of the ways that we demonstrate respect and belonging at Calrossy is by wearing our uniform with pride. Students are required to wear their complete summer uniform, including the formal hat, as part of our door-to-door policy. Please ensure that your child's hair conforms to appropriate standards; mullets, sharks, and similar unconventional hairstyles, Jewellery should be limited to one pair of stud earrings only. Further details can be found on the School HUB and website. Please note: RM Williams belts are not permitted.
Mobile Phone Usage:
At Calrossy, we remain committed to providing a quality teaching and learning environment. Teachers undertook Professional Learning this week in Neuroscience, which emphasised the impact of phones on learners. To minimize distractions and encourage focused engagement we do not allow phones in class. Primary students with phones should hand them into the office upon arrival at school. In Secondary school we continue to implement our YONDR pouch program. All returning students are expected to bring their YONDR pouch. If your child has misplaced their pouch, a new one can be obtained from the Head of Campus' office for $20, which will be added to their school account.
William Cowper Campus Car Park
The Car park is close to being finished with only the final lights and the bus shelter yet to be erected. The final work will take place in the April School holidays.
With the start of school, we expect some congestion and ‘teething’ problems with ‘kiss and drop’ and pick up. Please be patient, follow staff instructions and attend to the safety of all students during these early days?
Calrossy Parents & Friends
In conjunction with a new committee we are very keen to involve as many parents as possible in our P & F. We are about both ‘fundraising’ and friend-raising’, seeking to engage parents in our community as part of our commitment to Learning in Partnership. Please keep your eyes open for meeting details, welcome functions and ways to be involved.
I look forward to a positive start to 2024. We hope to see many parents and friends at welcome events and information nights in the first three weeks of school. May our community flourish and grow this year.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
David Smith