Principal's report

Greeting to families of MPWPS,

Our first ‘live’ assembly on Webex attracted 190 people which is terrific for a first go. Thank-you to our hosts Aidan and Hunter; you both did a great job, speaking clearly and following the script.  Thank-you to Jarrod for the Welcome Back Kotter (ok, does anyone remember this sitcom?)  themed music which accompanied the short video of our Foundation and Grade 2 students reflecting on their first week back at school. For some this may not have worked so we will post on COMPASS today for you to re-watch.  We will be doing the ‘live’ Assemblies until the end of the term.  We were able to live stream the assembly into our classrooms which provided teachers with another opportunity to connect with the large TV in their classes.  It is a great way to stay in touch during this time. 

Drop of and Pick Up times

You are all doing such a great job of social distancing and encouraging independence of your children. Their learning can only benefit from the development of these characteristics.  Do with rather than doing for your child.  However, I was a little concerned last night at the Eglinton Street collection point.  It was wet, and cold, parents were driving watching for their child so a little distracted, the Crossing Supervisor was assisting those to cross and parents and children were milling at the entrance. Here are some hints for parents: please continue to drive the roundabout block if there are no parking spots, please avoid calling to your child from the car this could cause your child to place themselves in an unsafe situation, and arrive a little after the 3.20 time so that the swath of children have been collected and dismissed.  We will be at the gates until 3.35 and then your child will be at the General Office for their safety and your convenience.  I think we can do this a bit better.  I will speak to the 1/2 Team to see what other process we can use for a more orderly exit.   Next week the double gates will be open for the 5/6 students to enter at the later time of 8.50-9.00.  It will be important that the 1/2 students are entering between 8.40-8.50 to avoid any major congestion. We thank-you all for your continued assistance in ensuring the safety of all students and adults.  

Grades 3-6 Returning to School Next week

Today I am circulating the information for the transition of our remaining students (grades 3-6) on June 9.  Please read the directions carefully.  We think they are clear, but if you want any clarity please call. We have mentioned siblings and older children collecting the younger ones and exiting out the older child’s designated gate. We think this will provide one entry and exit point for families. Well that’s the idea.  We will see if that works.  Having such a process enables your older student to be responsible and others have told me the benefits of this simple behaviour has built lasting bonds between siblings.  Simple but effective I hear. Let’s see how this strategy goes. 

COVID 19 Update

Thank-you to parents who have collected their child immediately if they have been unwell. Your diligence with collection and then doctors for testing is working.  This process continues to ensure we have no cases in our school or community.  The hand washing and numerous sanitizing stations around the school and in every class, is building sound hygiene habits.  We did have a balloon of soap suds seeping into Athol Street. Upon investigation they originated from diligent handwashing by our Foundation and Year 1 students at  the sinks in Hall. Brian did laugh!!  From the school’s perspective our OHS Consultant Brian Grobelaar has been a great support to our onsite OHS Team as he oversees our practices and provides diligent advice. We have a checklist that provides direction for action across many domains.  We have actioned all of these with urgency and care. At present we have a draft of a Returning to School Policy which will be tabled at the next Education Committee and then ratified at School Council. Once ratified this will be circulated and housed on our Website. In relation to COVID 19, please continue to practice social distancing especially where appropriate with larger family or friendship groups.  The BIG 3 (remember from last week) washing of hands or sanitising frequently, cough or sneeze into elbow or into a tissue then bin, and social distance to remove the contact.  It will become a way of life before we know it!


A special SURPISE for Staff TODAY! Thank-you to the Parent Reps who on behalf of all the parent community, provided staff with a special morning tea. This was a gesture of thanks to staff for their work, care and support during Remote Learning and the past eight weeks of the term.  A kind and thoughtful gesture. We are strengthening a strong learning and caring community here at Moonee Ponds West PS.


Well that’s about it from me. Please continue to stay informed, safe and well. 

Take the time to enjoy this upcoming long weekend.


Until we meet in person


Kerri Simpson



Congratulations to our students, parents, and family members who have continued to learn and or support learning remotely; well done!  We look forward to welcoming you back to your school, your class, your teacher and friends on TUESDAY JUNE 9.  Please check your time for arrival.