Back to on-site Learning from Friday.


Back to on-site learning from Friday

Dear KDC Community, I'm sure you will have heard the news by now but all students are back to face-to face teaching on Friday.

  • For Years 7, 8, 9 & 12 that means back in classes following the normal timetable from Friday on.
  • Years 10 & 11 are still in their exam timetable and normal classes are still not running so only students who have an exam on Friday need to come on site.
  • Monday is, of course, a public holiday.
  • On Tuesday we start the Semester 2 timetable so Year 9 and 10 students will be starting in their new elective subjects. All other year levels continue with their current subjects.
  • Masks still need to be worn inside but not out in the yard. We are still waiting for our specific instructions about other issue like sports and excursions so stay posted.



There will be lots of specific communication between teachers and students online so make sure they are regularly checking for Teams messages. Again. thanks to everyone for their great positivity and support throughout the last few weeks, Stay well. 

Linda Maxwell.