Sport News

Odd Sock Circus – Performance

Thank you to the whole school community who came and supported our Gr 5/6 students as they performed the ‘Odd Socks Circus’ on Tuesday 30th October.  I’m sure you will agree the students did an amazing job and put on a fantastic show.  A special mention to the 5/6 teachers, Sue Phillips and of course our circus leader Phil Melgaard for making it such a memorable experience for our students.


Circus is a great way for students to challenge themselves in skills that we normally wouldn’t learn or practice.  It is often a test of persistence and perseverance.  This is the 6th time the school has performed the circus as a biannual event that is a combination of the Physical Education, Performing Arts and Creative Arts programs at MPW. 

Take a bow Gr 5/6’s….

Also our Circus Raffle tickets will continue to be on sale at the front office.  The prize hamper includes all different circus and art supplies.  The raffle will be drawn at assembly.


Our athletics season has come to an end after Regions and State finals.

Congratulations to Lachie Toussaint, Amelia Ashton, Elli Honan and Lillie Ground who all competed at Region Finals.


Lillie went on to race in the State Finals at Albert Park.  She finished 9th overall.  Well done Lillie!!!!

Walk to School 2018!

Well done to all the students who participated in Walk to School for the month of October.

We will have the results in next week’s newsletter.  But of course we encourage you and your families to continue to walk, ride or scoot your way to school for the remainder of Term 4.