Education News 

Nude Food Competition

We all know that wrappers and plastic are unhealthy for our environment. As a school, we need to take better care of our yard and reduce the litter around the place.


In Week 6, all students are encouraged to bring nude food for four or more days to get entered into the competition. All you have to do is show your classroom teacher who will mark your name off on a list. Your name will be entered into a raffle and drawn at assembly in Week 7.

1st prize: Large lunchbox

2nd prize: Small lunchbox

3rd prize: A set of containers


The classroom with the most number of nude food lunches will be announced at assembly in Week 7.


Together, we can make a difference!

Chloe, Milly, Carina, Aidan and Jack (from the Wipe Out Waste Team aka WoW!)


Moonee Ponds West Writer’s Festival

Moonee Ponds West Primary School would like to invite the community into classrooms to celebrate students’ personal writing. 

Each classroom will be open on Wednesday 14th of November 2018 where students may share their published or drafted pieces of writing. 

More information regarding open classroom times will be advertised via individual classrooms.



English Committee