Fundraising Events

Union Road Christmas Celebration Cake Stall

Last Saturday MPW held a Cake Stall at the Union Road Christmas Celebration. It was a brilliant day for the celebration, the sun was out and the streets were filled with fun, food, families and community spirit! It was a great opportunity to raise some additional funds for our wonderful school at such a great event. We would not be able to run successful events without the support of our community so we would like to thank the many families that were able to contribute to the success of our stall for your time and effort at a busy time of year. To the families that baked delicious treats to sell to those who donated their time to help run the stall on the day, Thank You, we were overwhelmed by your generosity! We are really proud and excited to let you know that we raised $1302 on the day!


MPW End of Year Christmas Raffle

The End of Year Raffle is fast approaching! Every family should have now received a book of 10 Raffle Tickets to sell. Please see details below about our wonderful prizes. Tickets are just $2 with money and tickets due back to the office no later than Wednesday 18th December with the Raffle drawn at 9 am on Thursday 19th December at our final assembly. If you have not received a book of tickets or require more tickets please see the office.

Help fight the war on waste this Christmas -

KeepCup Fundraiser

Help fight the war on waste and encourage someone you know to be more sustainable this Christmas with their very own KeepCup! KeepCups make a great gift, especially perfect for KK presents. They are now available to purchase through the School Office with two different sizes and several different colours available – Small 8oz are $14 and Large 12oz are only $16. Why buy just one – consider one for every member of the family. Also, each KeepCup sold raises money for the school and we’ve partnered with Darling St Espresso who will take 50c off the price of your first coffee or milkshake in your new KeepCup! KeepCups are also suitable for lunch order milkshakes. What are you waiting for……let’s try to wipe out disposable coffee cups in our school community….buy yours now!