Principal's report

Greetings Parents, Carers, Students and Friends of MPWPS,

Term 3 has commenced and welcome new staff to our team; Ms Amy Wirth in Foundation and One, Ms Kim Satchell in year 2/3; and Ms Joanne Teeuw in year 3/4. We look forward to learning alongside you this year and we hope that your contribution to MPWPS will make the difference.


How is this communication tool going for you?  Haven’t logged in yet?  Lost the booklet and your special password?  Not to worry!  All can be solved by contacting Sandra in the General Office.  With the upcoming Three-Way Conferences your class teacher maybe trying to contact you to arrange a time, so best if you can access COMPASS. 


What is new with COMPASS?  We have activated the Health Centre/First Aid notification as well.  When your child reports to the First Aid Officer, they will enter the details of the visit onto COMPASS.  A notification will then be forwarded to you.  There is no need to call the school unless you are overly concerned as the usual process of calling parents for your consideration of an injury or illness will still occur. 


All classes are now marking the attendance roll on COMPASS. The roll is marked in the class by 9.05 and if your child is absent, an SMS will be sent to alert you.  Of course, if you have let the Office, or marked the absence on COMPASS from home, then no SMS as we know exactly where your child is. We have noticed that some long-term absences entered prior to this process have not transferred so we apologise for any inconvenience. Please be patient with us as sometimes in the early days of learning a new process there are slips. If you get an SMS and you know, your child is at school call to check.  This is a simple process in the Office and reassuring for you. The roll is marked frequently across the school day to ensure children are safe. 

Lost Property

We have returned the LOST PROPERTY to the Gym on the right hand-side as you enter.  It is just outside the OSHC Office.  If you are entering to look for an item, please indicate to an adult that you are there so that the OSHC leaders know.  When looking at the Lost Property I noticed that many items are of free dress, expensive and unnamed.  Hardly any were the uniform items.  Interesting I thought! I hope that returning the Lost Property to this area will be more convenient and items will be returned to their rightful homes!  Thank you to the parent volunteers who have been wrestling with the Lost Property over the months.  Your attention to this area is welcome and appreciated.

Cold Weather

With the recent cold weather, please come inside the buildings where you can to stay warm and dry.  However, do remember that classes are in action and teaching and learning is still the focus. This is especially in the Junior or Hall Building.  Conversations echo in the Hall area, and if there, is a Hall session concluding the children and the teacher need to get about packing up, and sharing the experience, so please position yourself so you are not in the way. I ask for your cooperation in ensuring your safety and that of the students and staff.

Three-Way Conferences (Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews)

Next Wednesday July 25 is  STUDENT FREE so that the teachers and students can speak about their learning with you.  Please ensure that you have booked online via COMPASS and that your child attends with you. Student Portfolios hold   samples of your child’s learning.   The Three-Way Conferences complete the Reporting to Parents cycle for Semester 1.  

This term we will be establishing an Assessment and Reporting team to review our Reporting to Parent processes, streamlining some aspects adjusting to needs of students, seeking your opinion on what is valued and what can be improved.  Staff through our internal processes will consider any adjustments, and recommendations will be forwarded for discussion and inclusion in the policy at the Education Committee.  It is an exciting time as we move to improve what we already do.

The Front Gates

During the school day, the front gates will be closed. Please use the latch to open and close on exit. Entry to the school during the day is through the General Office.  As the Child Safe regulations demand, all adults entering the school site during school hours must sign in and out.  Has your child has forgotten something?  Come to the General Office and we will ensure this gets to them! Thank you in anticipation.

School Review Information

This year we are in Review by the Department of Education.  This process of improvement occurs every three (3) years. Our Review days commence on October 16th.   A Parent Forum will be held on August 2nd to seek your feedback on your school including these into our Self Evaluation.  The Self Evaluation is prepared first, then the external Reviewer (Phillip Morrison) will visit and be in the school for three days seeking to hear from all.  At the end of the process, we will have a new Strategic Plan that will guide us for the next three (3) years.

The Parent Forum is on August 2nd at 7.00 pm in the Performing Arts Space. Please join us to help with the development of a rich Self Evaluation.  We will also be offering an Online Survey for families and a chance for you to speak directly to me via the Principal’s Open Line each Monday from 9.30-10.00 am.

Living and Growing Program for Years 3-6

This term are part of the learning program, and in line with expectation of the Victorian Curriculum we are offering the Living and Growing program for years 3-6.  Sex Education Australia (SEA) facilitates the program we offer.  A very successful Parent Evening was held on Tuesday evening. The information shared at this evening demonstrated age appropriate topics and some handy phrases for parents to use when children might delve into areas not appropriate for their age.  Jenny, our facilitator took questions and has provided me with information about program changes.  The program commences next week (week2) on Tuesday for years 5/6 and Friday for 3/4 classes.

Term 3 changes

At this stage as a result of a time fraction change Performing Arts will be offered to the following year levels in Term 3 - 1/2, 2/3, 3/4 and  to the following year levels F/1, 5/6 in Term 4, thus enabling all children to have this experience but in a different format.  Should you wish to speak to me about this please call.

State Schools Spectacular

Congratulation to those children who are working hard to be part of this spectacular event. Having the opportunity to perform in such a large arena is wonderful.  The first practice day is next Wednesday July 25 or Reporting to Parents day, so please speak to your child’s teacher if your child is involved and you may need to reschedule to a time outside this day.  Chookas everyone!

Well that is about it from me.  Remember to be logged onto COMPASS because information and keeping informed is important.



Sincerely and in good faith

Kerri Simpson

Notices Home

Monday 16th July 

  • Room 11 - teaching arrangements

Wednesday 18th July

  • COMPASS Update - Whole school