Visual Arts News

A lot is happening in the Visual Arts space here at CSC! Having had our first Annual Exhibition last year for the first time in a long time, we are dedicated to making this year's even better. We have a huge number of incredibly talented and driven young artists who are challenging themselves every day to reach that next level in their own development. Here are some highlights of what has been happening in this space so far this year: 


Students at work...


The 1st place winners of The Amazing Gallery Race - Keeley Sloane 12F, Ella Moran 12E, Tom Cleary 12B, and Shantai Maia 12E. Students were taken into the city and given a map of exhibition spaces, they had to prove that they had made it to each location by either gathering souvenirs or taking photos. First place prize was Uber Eats of the groups choosing. Well done to the winning team!