School Wide Positive Behaviour Support

We are excited to provide you with an update on the development of our school's vision and values, which will guide our collective efforts and shape our shared identity as a learning community. We believe it is essential to involve our entire community in this process to ensure that our vision and values truly reflect our diverse perspectives and aspirations. 


Over the past few months, a dedicated team of teachers, students and parents has been working collaboratively to draft our new school core values. The team has engaged in thoughtful discussions, conducted surveys, and reviewed feedback from community members to ensure inclusivity and representativeness. 


We are now at an important stage where this week we have been seeking feedback from our wider school community. Your perspective and voice are invaluable in shaping the final outcome. As such, outlined below are the three different sets of values for community vote, all votes need to be received by the college by Wednesday 31st of May.


Core Value Sets:



To ensure an inclusive and transparent process, we invite you to review and vote on our core values. Voting is available through the online survey that has been forwarded to families or through a physical feedback box in the school office. We highly encourage you to share your thoughts and suggestions, as this is an opportunity to collectively shape the foundation of our school's culture. 


Your input is invaluable to us and we genuinely appreciate your engagement in this process. We are committed to making this process transparent, inclusive, and representative of our entire school community. 


Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to our school. Together, we will continue to create an inclusive, supportive and thriving learning environment for our students.