Department of Education  Service Awards

On Sunday May 18, 2023, The Minister of Education, The Hon. Natalie Hutchins MP, officiated at an awards ceremony honouring members of the teaching service, including Educational Support Staff, Teachers and Principal Class who had served for over 40, 45, 50 and 55+ years. The total years of service for those who attended was 13,175 years, highlighting the incredible contribution the recipients had made to the education of students within the classroom, as administrators and as leaders.

Ms. Miriam Iuricich who has been a member of staff since 2004 received a 40-year service award from the Minister. "I started teaching in 1980 where there were no computers or Internet; corporal punishment was still in force, (thankfully abolished in 1983) and all our reports were written out in longhand with carbon copies for distribution. I've seen many things change but one thing remains constant: we enter this profession because we want to shape the future lives of young people and give them the skills and knowledge that will make them empowered and successful global citizens".