Australian Defence Force Presentation, Year 10.

We are delighted to share exciting news about a recent visit to Craigieburn Secondary College by the Australian Defence Force (ADF). As part of our ongoing commitment to providing our students with a wide range of career exploration opportunities, the ADF representatives visited our college to showcase the various student pathways available within the Defence Force and provide real-life examples of life in service. 


The visit aimed to inspire our students by shedding light on the diverse career options offered by the ADF. It also provided a unique opportunity for our students to interact directly with members of the Defence Force, gain insights into their personal experiences, and discover the multitude of pathways available to them. 


During the visit, the ADF representatives shared valuable information about the educational opportunities, vocational training programs, and employment options offered by the Defence Force. They discussed the importance of teamwork, leadership skills, and personal growth that can be gained through a career in the ADF. Additionally, students had the chance to learn about the various roles within the Navy, Army, and Air Force, and how these roles contribute to the defence and security of our nation. 


We believe that exposing our students to different career pathways is essential in helping them make informed decisions about their future. The visit from the Australian Defence Force not only provided valuable insights into Defence Force careers but also instilled a sense of pride and appreciation for the dedication and service of our military personnel. 


We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the ADF representatives who took the time to visit our school and share their knowledge and experiences with our students. Their visit was an invaluable opportunity for our students to broaden their horizons and consider the ADF as a viable and rewarding career path. We would also like to thank Ms. Neill and the pathways team for organising this experience. 


If you have any further questions or would like additional information about the Australian Defence Force visit or our career exploration initiatives, please do not hesitate to contact us. Alternatively, please check the following website for more information We look forward to supporting our students as they explore their future aspirations and make informed decisions. 


Mr Liber.