Year 1/2 News

2D Shapes and 3D Objects
Year 1/2 have been exploring the names and features of 2D shapes and 3D objects. Students have enjoyed finding 2D shapes and 3D objects around their learning spaces. Have a look at the photos below of the features students identified for each 2D shape they made.
In Religion, 1/2 students have been exploring the stories of creation and reflecting on their connection with the environment and how they might care for it. This week, the students have been making connections between the Dreamtime story 'Bunjil The Eagle' and the Creation Story.
Below are the pictures that 1/2F drew while listening to the story of Bunjil, using their visualisation skills.
In Writing, students have been learning about different types of poems and identifying the different features. We have been exploring free verse, rhyming and concrete poems.
Below are some of the poems the children have written:
Learning Intentions & Timetables
Important Dates
Monday 13/06: Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday
Can you please send in a box of tissues when possible as we are running low on our supply. Grazie!
Contact Details
Jackie Moloney
Melanie Pizzonia
Paige Frazer
Phoebe Tune
Georgia Cavin
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm