Student Wellbeing

Annie McNaughton

Supporting Children through Difficult Times

 There are global events currently playing out which may be having an impact on the feelings of safety and wellbeing for children and young people in our school communities. When we combine this with the stresses and complex needs of families as a result of the challenges of the COVID 19 pandemic, we know we need to pay particular attention to the mental health of ourselves and our young people.  


Constant media coverage through television, radio and the internet while necessary, exposes children and young people to disasters and traumatic events which may increase their anxiety and reduce their sense of safety and wellbeing. 


Please find some resources below that may help with having conversations with your children about issues that may be causing distress.



April House Points Winner

House Points are given to students who display positive behaviours that encompass our school values of acceptance, honesty, trust and hope.

The winner for the most House points for April is 




Well done everyone in Flinders!