Principal News

School Theme: LIGHT of HOPE

Dear Members of the St Raphael's school community,


Over the last week, the children have participated in some wonderful activities and opportunities as part of National Reconciliation Week. 

National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.


We thank all parents who continue to conduct RAT tests on their children on Sunday and Wednesday evenings. Whilst we are currently experiencing numerous outbreaks throughout the school, the testing keeps everyone in our school community safe. A reminder that if your child exhibits any symptoms, please keep them at home and get them tested immediately.


It was fantastic to see our Year 5/6 children enjoying themselves at last week's three-day Urban Camp in the Melbourne CBD. After all the children have missed out on over the last two years, it was a great experience for them to get away together and share our city's fabulous sights and sounds. A big thank you to the Year 5/6 teachers - Annie Dullard, Emma Sbizzirri, Max Allan, Matthew Vernal, and all teachers and parents who volunteered to assist on the school camp.

Winter School Uniform

A reminder that all children should now be wearing the correct Winter school uniform. The formal school uniform includes the school jumper and black leather school shoes, not black runners, yellow sports shirts or sports jackets/ jumpers. 

Children may only wear their sports uniform on their allocated Physical Education specialist lesson days or if instructed by their teachers. 

If your child cannot wear their correct school uniform on certain days, please write a note or send an email to your child's teacher with an explanation and a timeline of when they will be attending school in the correct uniform. 

All long hair past shoulder length must be tied back using a hair tie. Plain sleeper earrings are the only jewellery allowed.

The correct wearing of the school uniform is part of your child's enrolment agreement that you have entered into with the school. Failure to comply will result in school uniform notifications being sent home. If this is not addressed, parents will be asked to attend a meeting at the school.

If financial assistance is required, then please email


The Uniform Shop will be open on Thursday 9th June, and Thursday 23rd June between 8:45 am - 9:15 am.