Student Leaders and NAIDOC week.

Holloway Road Site

In the last week of term two, the student leaders at Holloway Road worked with the welfare team to celebrate NAIDOC week.  The college celebrated NAIDOC early as nationally it was scheduled during the school holidays.  


The week started off with an acknowledgement of country followed by a welcome to country.  Footballer Eddie Betts spoke with the year ten students about his experiences growing up as a first nations person.  Eddie talked about his upbringing in rural Australia, his football career and the barriers he faced as a first nations person.  Patrick Wells and Georgie Harris, the year 10 captains, did an amazing job introducing our guests on the day.

Tuesday saw the leaders and others working at lunchtime creating a NAIDOC sign near the canteen. The theme this year is  "For Our Elders".  

Wednesday, some leaders from both sites joined a workshop with Felicia Williams and Pat Pekin to develop the school's acknowledgement to country.   Wednesday also included a staff-student volleyball game, just for fun. For the record, the staff won with some assistance from the year 11 interschool volleyball team. 

Thanks, Julia Loos and Alberto Fontanabona, for joining the staff team.


The week was wrapped up on Friday with a culture talk at lunchtime from Shiralee Hood. We were very privileged to have Shiralee visit. She is an indigenous performer/comedian who delivers educational and cultural talks to various schools and educational facilities. Shiralee was also a former Indigenous Cultural Lecturer at Melbourne University.


What a great way to finish the term and thank you to all the student leaders, staff and students who made NAIDOC week a successful celebration and acknowledgment of Australia's first nations people.


Felicia Williams