Student Wellbeing

The Wellbeing Team: Louise Rogers, Isabella Farrar, Lavinia Cai, Pat Pekin & Suzanne Trease

Welcome, Felicity Wade!

We would like to extend a very warm welcome to the newest member of our Inclusion and Wellbeing Team, Felicity Wade. 


Felicity will be taking over from Louise Rogers as our Mental Health Practitioner, as Louise embarks on a new and exciting adventure in New Zealand.


Felicity is a highly experienced psychologist who has worked within the department of education for over a decade, and we feel very lucky to have her join our school.


Welcome to our new Placement student- Noni!


Noni is in her first year of studying a Masters of Art therapy at Latrobe University. Noni comes with a wealth of experience in the industry,  and she is extremally excited to be working with the students of Sandringham College.


Art Therapy is an established form of psychotherapy which is delivered by trained art therapist. It uses art as the primary mode of expression alongside talking with the art therapist. Art therapy aims to improve social, emotional or mental health by promoting insight, self-compassion and a sense of agency and self-worth. This can be delivered in both individual and group capacities. 


You don't have to be good at art to do art therapy

If a student would like to see Noni for individual or group art therapy, please contact Isabella Farrar (Holloway road campus) or Pat Pekin (Bluff road campus)

G10 Summit

We were thrilled to hold the G10 Summit Student Activity Day at Holloway Road, a day filled with exciting events and valuable experiences for all year 10 students.


Event Highlights: Smoking Ceremony / Welcome to Country: Our Student Activity Day commenced with a solemn and meaningful Smoking Ceremony and Welcome to Country. This ceremony is a way for us to acknowledge and show respect to the traditional custodians of the land. It set the tone for a day of cultural appreciation and understanding.


Keynote Speaker: We were honoured to welcome Eddie Betts as our esteemed keynote speaker. Eddie is a prominent figure, known for his achievements in the sporting world and his advocacy for important social causes. His motivational talk inspired and empowered our students to overcome challenges and embrace their potential.


Male Toolbox and Meditation: Our Male Toolbox and Meditation sessions focused on holistic well-being. These sessions equipped our students with practical tools to manage stress, enhance focus, and promote a positive mindset.


Sausage Sizzle Lunch: Food and community go hand in hand, and we had a delicious sausage sizzle lunch for all students. It was a great opportunity for students to share a meal, connect with peers, and recharge for the rest of the day's activities.


Subject Selection Expo: The Subject Selection Expo is a crucial part of the day. Year 9 and 10 students had the chance to explore a wide range of subjects, receive guidance from teachers, and make informed decisions about their academic journey.


We are committed to creating a supportive and inclusive environment for our students, fostering a sense of belonging, and promoting personal growth.


A note from Pamela Johnson 

Greetings, my name is Pamela Johnson and I am a Partnership Program Nurse from the Department of Education’s Secondary School Nurse Program.  This program is an outreach initiative to schools who do not usually have access to a Secondary School Nurse. 

My role is mainly:

  • To support and resource health education/promotion, especially in the areas of sexual health, healthy relationships, consent, gender and sexuality
  • To provide consultation regarding health issues and referral.


A message from the Bayside City Council



Are you a young person who lives, works, or studies in Bayside with a passion for the environment? Do you want to become part of a group creating a more sustainable community? Become a Youth Sustainability Leader and start making a difference.

By getting involved you will

  • Gain the skills to lead climate action and tackle sustainability challenges
  • Meet other young people that share your passion for the environment 
  • Participate in training workshops
  • Design and deliver innovative projects and campaigns

This group is open to young people aged 15 - 25 that live, go to school, study, or work in Bayside.

When will meetings be held?

Fortnightly on a Monday from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM during school terms. Starting Monday 14 August.

Important dates

  • Registrations close Tuesday 8 August.
  • Program starts Monday 14 August.

You can also complete a registration form online via the link below:

Youth Sustainability Leaders | Bayside City Council