Maria Curphey - Domain Leader 

2023 Sandringham East Primary School Athletics Carnival

This term, students from the Year 11 Vocational Major Program and Year 12 VCAL have planned and organised the Sandringham East Primary School Athletics Carnival.

The day started with students setting up their equipment ready for the primary school students to do their events.

Each group was tasked with organising and running one event. For example, when running the discus, students had to organise the competitors, set up the event, explain what to do and to measure and record their throws. Also making sure to encourage each student.

All the Year 11 and 12's enjoyed the day. 

It was good to get out of the classroom and to meet new people and take on a leadership role.

Overall, this was a really valuable activity to be a part of because we learnt and used new skills and it was great to see how much fun the primary school students were having.

Thank you to the parents and teachers who supported our involvement and allowed us to be part of this wonderful day.

(Caleb Shand 11VM)