Principal's Report 

Greetings families and friends of Moonee Ponds West PS

Week 7 and it’s BOOK WEEK

Our dress up day is tomorrow (Wednesday) so start designing that green plastic bag and see what you can make?? I am yet to decide what I will come as this year.  It is usually a Construction Worker with reference to my favorite book ‘Good Night Good Night Construction Site!” Mary Poppins has gone into retirement and so what to do?

Book Week is a perfect way for children to connect with their favorite book, read it again, have it read to them perhaps. and or recommend it to someone else.   Seeing we are in this situation maybe in your home you could share your favorite book with your child/ren.

Three small groups this week

In order to offer even more support to your child’s wellbeing and learning teachers will be engaging with your children more regularly in small group instruction.  Please look on the timetable for this time and ensure your child is online ready. Some small groups will run after the morning check-ins; others will be scheduled across the morning.

Attendance during remote and Flexible Learning

Firstly, you are all doing a MAGNIFICENT job in working, running the home and facilitating your child’s remote learning.  It can’t be easy, and for some of you the light at the end of the tunnel is not visible!  Sometimes it is difficult to manage the day’s learning; we understand, and encourage you to please ensure that your child’s teacher knows your intention.   If your child is to be absent for the day you can enter this absence on COMPASS and as you would if we are onsite.  The Google Form is for the child to manage their attendance before they attend the check-in.  If your child is not at the check-in or the small group your child’s teacher will email you to ask if they are ok.  This is a teacher for-filling their duty of care responsibility.  Please understand that student attendance is one way we can see how they are going. 

Term 3 Curriculum Day

We have now moved this day a number of times and yes it will move again!  The plan was to have this day before the end of the term but with the current situation the possibility is not realistic.  Stay tuned we are planning to reschedule into Term 4. It is the plan to give as much notice as we can. I will be discussing the options with School Council before the end of the term. I apologise for any inconvenience this rescheduling may be causing in your home.

NAPLAN results

We are expecting the results from the 2021 NAPLAN assessment to be with the school by the end of August. This year is the last year of the pen and paper assessment.  From 2022 we will be required to complete this assessment digitally.  Remember the NAPLAN  is just a snapshot of where your child is at a point in time.  The NAPLAN should be viewed in conjunction with the other assessment that children complete under the direction of their teacher. All assessments are used to inform the learning plan for your child. The individual report for your child will be forwarded to you and I ask that you keep these in a special file so that the report can be retrieved.  Getting another copy is time consuming and inconvenient for all. However as is our practice, all results are copied and placed in the students file as part of our practices. 

Dress Code Review

The Education Sub-Committee of School Council has this review well underway. The review includes the Sun-Smart Policy and the decision regarding compulsory uniform.  In relation to this particular policy the School Council is charged with making the decision for the school community.  Thank you to those families, staff and students who have already provided comment and advice. We are collecting a rich body of information from which decision can be made by the School Council.  The next stage is to gain further specific opinion from the families of MPWPS.  The Education Committee and a member of our community (with experience in the field of data collection) have been asked to create a further opinion gathering tool.  Please look for this opportunity to contribute. We look forward to your response. It is important for an open and transparent process, of review and this is foremost for your Council. 

Term 3 Planned activities

We had a number of JSC planned activities for the final weeks of this term. This includes Show Day. Fun Run and Crazy Hair Day.  We will revisit these fun activities when we return.  The 100 Days of Learning for the Foundation/One students is also a celebration in the pipeline.  The Junior School team is planning some exciting celebration. 


Well, that’s about it from me.  Stay well and positive, its hard but the only way. Soon we will be back together. I am hopeful. 



Kerri Simpson Principal


I wandered Lonely as a Cloud

Poem by William Wordsworth

Below is part of this wonderful poem. I wonder if you can find the complete poem. 


I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o'er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.