Education News 

Creative Arts

This semester in Creative Arts are artworks are being inspired by the Dutch artist M.C Escher and American artist Georgia O'Keeffe. Some of the artworks inspired by O'Keeffe are displayed in the corridor outside the art room.


At the moment at the National Gallery of Victoria, in St Kilda Road, there is a fantastic exhibition highlighting the work of M.C. Escher and acclaimed Japanese design studio, nendo.


The exhibition has been extraordinarily popular and will be on show until April 7. Well worth a visit!


Also for admirers of Shaun Tan's imaginative endeavors, there is a wonderful exhibition of his work on in Brunswick at the Beinart gallery until March 31. Shaun Tan is a world-renowned writer and illustrator of much loved children's picture story books, such as The Red Tree, Arrival and the Lost Thing.


The exhibition is at 1 Sparta Place Brunswick.

Creative Arts team

Sue & Claudia

Student Banking

A reminder to all families that there will not be any Student Banking processed next week. Student banking will resume in week 2 of Term 2.

Sensory Garden Feedback

This is a reminder that the Sensory Garden feedback closes on Easter Monday 22 April. Thank you to all  who have completed the survey so far. There are three Options to choose from and each have an explanation with the drawings.  I have been asked as to why are there options for the amphitheatre to be fixed? The amphitheatre has fallen into a state of disrepair and could be used by students and teachers alike, imagine having a lesson under the shade cloth! Students are also keen to use the space for imaginative play, they currently already use it, however, it isn’t as enticing as it could be.


Please provide your feedback through the survey link below.


6-7 Transition