Community Calendar


Monday 25th June

Starlab Incursion F/1 Team

School Council 19:00

Friday 29th June

Assembly 9:00

End of Term 2 - Early dismissal 14:30


Monday 16th July

Term 3 starts 9:00

Tuesday 17th July

Parent Information Session - 'Living and Growing Program' 19:00

Wednesday 25th July

Curriculum Day (Reporting to Parent Day - Pupil Free)

VSSS Rehearsal 8:00


Monday 6th August

Education Sub Committee 18:30

Tuesday 14th August

Circus  Years 5/6

Resource Committee - 19:00

Tuesday 21st August

MVIMP Music Camp departs

Book Character Dress Up Day and Multi Aged Workshops

Wednesday 22nd August

VSSS Rehearsal - Melbourne Town Hall

Environment Committee Meeting 18:00

Thursday 23rd August

MVIMP Concert - Lady Northcote Bacchus Marsh

Friday 24th August 

MVIMP Music Camp return

Monday 27th August

School Council 19:00


Monday 3rd September

Education Sub Committee 18:30

Wednesday 12th September

Environment Committee Meeting 18:00

Thursday 13th September

VSSS Dress Rehearsal  8:00

Friday 14th September 

VSSS Dress Rehearsal  8:00

Saturday 15th September

VSSS Matinee and Evening Performance