Sport News

Gr 3/4 Cricket Carnival Day

As part of our interschool sport program the children in Grade 3/4 are invited to the District’s Grade 3/4 Gala Day at Fairbairn Park on Friday 18th October. It is a CRICKET CARNIVAL DAY and will give the students the opportunity to mix with students from local schools while taking part in skill activities. This is to make playing interschool sport in Grade 5 a less daunting task. We will be leaving Moonee Ponds West at 9.00am and walking to Fairbairn Park, arriving there by 9.15am for a 9.30am start. Students will be involved in a series of rotations and play a game. The Carnival will finish at approximately 11:30am when we will walk back to school. Students would need to bring a bottle of water, hat and sunscreen and a snack.

M.P.W. News

Ready, Set, GO!

Friday the 16th of August was a busy day for Moonee Ponds West, with 61 students from the school competing in District Athletics. M.P.W. being the reigning champions, had a lot to live up to, and did so magnificently, with multiple ribbons won and students progressing into the next stage. Many students have noted that not only had they come confident, but determined in their events and that worked in their favour.

The Grade 3 Relay Team after winning their heat


Moonee Ponds West shone as the field events came to an end. 

After the events, M.P.W. students came together, a crowd of ribbons and smiles.


Track and field events are hard enough on their own, and the added wet weather tried to throw the competitors off, but to no avail. Moonee Ponds West students soldiered on, and even more places were sealed to regionals.


The later it got, the wetter it became. The students competed event after event. ‘I don’t think there is any school in particular that are our main competition, only the teams which keep going, and push forward,’ Bella W enthused, an important participant in the 100 metre and relay. Numerous students had been to Athletics before, and each one stated that they felt ready and excited compared to other years.


Shoes got muddier, but Moonee Ponds West became more determined. The competition intensified, but the athletes kept going, the glint of hope in everyone’s tired eyes.


The hurdles track


No one knew where the bubbles came from, but they lightened the mood, although M.PW. were in high spirits simultaneously. ‘I’m 100% confident. I’m going to win this for my school,' yelled Maverick B from room 8. It seems  the diligent attitude was contagious, and heads held high, M.P.W. soared to a tie in 2nd place.


M.P.W. Cheerleaders showing support


by Phoebe W Room 11

Join thousands of Victorian families for Walk to School 2019!

Get ready, get set for Walk to School 2019!


About Walk to School

Every October, VicHealth’s Walk to School encourages Victorian primary school kids and their families to walk, ride or scoot to and from school every day. It’s a great way for the whole family to increase their physical activity levels. Plus, it is a chance to enjoy more time with your kids and meet other local families along the way.

Along with the health benefits, it also reduces traffic congestion, saves on parking, helps us connect with family and friends and saves the environment!

Part way is okay! If you can’t walk the whole way, why not try parking the car a few blocks from your school and walk, ride or scoot the rest.


Last year, more than 144,000 kids and their families took part in the program walking the equivalent of two return trips to the moon and with your families help, we can make 2019 our biggest year yet!

There are so many great reasons to participate in Walk to School this October and we’re excited to be part of the fun because getting active is even more fun when we do it together!

MPW has joined the hundreds of primary schools across Victoria for a fun month of walking, riding and scooting to and from school. By participating, we have a chance to win some great prizes! So every time our local families walks, rides or scoots to and from school during October, you increase our school’s chance of winning!

 Student challenge cards

Don’t forget to complete your challenge card each week you walk and also mark yourself off your classroom calendar, once your challenge card is complete hand it into the office. We will then get them to Council so they will go into the draw to win some great prizes

Get involved with us for Walk to School and help your family build healthy habits for life: This activity will be run by VicHealth.