Secondary School News

Miranda Ingram
Miranda Ingram

Secondary classrooms have been busy engaging in a variety of programs across the Sub School. Our Senior VCAL students are attending School-Based Apprenticeships and VET/TAFE certificate training, and many classrooms have been fortunate to take part in the Hands-On Learning programs, Café with Karen and Build with Rob, on Thursdays and Fridays. 


Our ADVANCE classes are preparing for community engagement in Term 2 and the JSA Mini Olympics was made more colourful by the creation of some wonderful House Colours flags during Secondary Art classes. All students and staff are building relationships and settling into their learning programs and routines. Thanks for a great term so far!



Room 20


VCAL students have had a wonderful start to the year and have been very resilient as usual.

For a start, we have been having fun in the kitchen with Numeracy. Students are cooking by measuring, converting, doing fractions and then eating the produce! YUM. They also made their playdough and then made 3D shapes from it, a fun way to combine maths and living skills.


This year our students have started their Oral Communication Units for Literacy and our fortnightly activity to get us motivated is Bootcamp where a student leads the class in an exercise routine using their communication skills! A nice way to warm up for the day and tick off some of those VCAL Learning outcomes.


Two of our new Year 11 VCAL students have started their SBAT apprenticeships, doing their Cert II in Warehousing at North point and we have had fantastic reports about their progress. The rest of our students just started their VET subjects for the year with the Visual arts students attending Kangan TAFE and the new Music Industries VET course at Hume Valley where they went on an excursion to the Arts Centre to learn to make Podcasts!


VCAL students have also been revving up for the inaugural Integrated project, after last year’s cancellation of the Outdoor Cinema (boo!) due to COVID restrictions and then the amazingly successful production of the VCAL Family Recipe Book. I’m sure you will see a fantastic project this year!

Go VCAL’ers!