Primary School News

Rachael Macmillan
Rachael Macmillan

Last week, the whole school had the opportunity to take part in our “JSA Mini Olympics,” held by Kaboom Sports. The Primary students enjoyed a colourful variety of throwing, catching, jumping, running and dancing activities. Our Primary students participated energetically for an hour, and it was great to see the excitement and enthusiasm in their faces. 


Students completing ‘work’ at JSA can look different, depending on the skill and knowledge being taught and the individual needs of each of our students. Our Year Prep students have been learning to sit outside their classroom with their teachers when playground time is finished, and this has been incorporated with the ‘wait’ and ‘finish’ visuals to model the language students are hearing at that time.  Other students are learning to follow a visual schedule, while other students are having fun learning to play and use toys. 




Room 2


Room 2 has had a fantastic start to the year. We have been settling into our new school and learning classroom routines. We have also been getting to know each other, and have engaged in lots of different activities. We have visited the OT room, playground and garden and have even been to the oval to participate in the JSA Mini Olympics. We have also worked hard with table-top activities where we have developed our skills in cut and paste activities, reading and sorting. Learning is lots of fun in Room 2! 




Primary Sub School Stars of the Week!

Room 1

  • Marshall for taking turns and sharing in class.
  • Vaiga for sorting and identifying colours in Math.


Room 2

  • Aarjav for looking after himself by peeling his own fruit.
  • River for looking after property by packing away toys.


Room 3

  • Enver for following his visual schedule when participating in classroom activities. 
  • William for doing a great job learning to read the time to the hour. 


Room 4

  • Well done to all students in Room 4 for settling into their new classrooms.


Room 5

  • Max and Nathan, for trying new challenges in Maths.


Room 6

  • Fred for his persistence when completing his maths work and willingness to try new activities.


Room 7

  • Saundrei for following a transition schedule to go to the bathroom at school.
  • Carter for following his mini schedule to complete his work.


Room 8

  • Ahshka for following the First and Then visuals. 
  • Ilhan for doing good listening and looking after himself while transitioning around the school. 


Room 9

  • Freddie for making good choices to self regulate. 



A reminder to all Primary families to please ensure that there is a spare pair of clothes in your child’s bag at all times. Also, if families have any spare school pants or shorts (any colour) in sizes 5-12 to donate it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.