Facilities News 

Dr. Denise Clarke              Frances Hansen

Capital Works Manager     Facilities Manager


Capital Works Planning

The planning for the new Yaluk building (Secondary & Community Hub) is nearly finalised to go to tender. The last-minute processes seem to take a long time. After the plan is costed by a Quantity Surveyor (QS) and the base estimate falls within the allocated budget, schools have to identify another 10% of the works (in $ terms) to be called "tender options". These may need to be excluded from the project if the costs of the tender are over the fixed budget. The current building market and the shortage of building materials will certainly affect this process.


Inclusive School Fund - Sensory-motor room. 

Members of the therapy team met with the architect for further planning to our sensory modulation room. The plans are going very well and we hope to have the final version for review in the next fortnight. As with all DET projects once we determined our budget we allow for 10% of tender options which may or may not get built depending on how close to our budget cost is, by the successful tenderer. The architect is planning to go to tender for this project about the third week in April.


Facilities Manager Update

The VSBA has notified JSA that they will appoint a Project Manager to enable the planning and execution of the identified scope of works around the school as part of the Planned Maintenance Program funding received in 2021.

Two, 3 door notice boards are being purchased and installed, one in the Middle School Breezeway near the Library and one in the Senior School near the Healthy Living Kitchen. These boards will be used to disseminate information to staff and students information.

Planning is continuing to create an Outdoor Learning space in the garden area beside Room 15. The school is waiting on engineering drawings to be provided & approved to enable us to commence the works.