Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting  










Daniel Moloney

Assistant Principal

Hi there everyone!


JSA has been buzzing with staff and students enjoying 6 successive weeks of onsite learning this term. It was pleasing to have so many parents checking in with their child's new teacher during our recent Term 1 SSG Meetings either online or over the phone. We thank you for valuing the partnership we share with you to support your child's learning and overall wellbeing for the year ahead.


Semester 1 - Personalised Learning Support Plans (or PLSPs)

After collating a wealth of evidence and/or reviewing your child/children's previous PLSP goals, our teachers are working hard to formulate 10 new learning goals for the following areas:

  • English (Reading & Viewing, Writing, Speaking & Listening)
  • Mathematics (Number & Algebra, Measurement & Geometry)
  • Personal & Social Capabilities (Self & Social Awareness)
  • Critical & Creative Thinking (Metacognition, Questioning & Reasoning)

This term, rather than sending your child's PLSPs via email, we are distributing them to your child via a new platform for our JSA families called the XUNO Family Platform (via PC, Laptop) and XUNO Family App (accessed via Apple iPhones and Android phones). There will be an initial parent/carer email invite sent to you in Week 9 to request you to establish a password to then gain access to view your child's details and open up their PLSP in Week 10. Other capabilities will be introduced in Terms 2-3 including access to Semester 1 Reports and an online booking system suitable for our SSG meetings. Watch this space!

Please note that all families that have a prior arrangement for their child's PLSPs to be distributed via copy, will continue to do so.


Mini Olympics Extravaganza - February 28th

On Monday, February 28th, Luke and Tara from 'Kaboom Kids Sports' conducted 8 fun 'Olympic-themed' activities for all of our students to undertake in Playground 6. Everybody onsite wore their House Colours with pride and engagement in the sessions. It was terrific to see our students, once again positively engage in a co-curricular program such as this. 


We thank:

  • William, Saviour, William and Memphis for supporting our primary and middle school students in their session
  • Amy Bartholomeusz and Starlie Geikie for making our bright and colourful house flags and photo frame
  • Karen Glare and Natalie Conboy for taking wonderful photos on the day
  • All classroom staff for supporting our students to engage in their sub-schools on the day