Now those are some great results!

Naplan Online

Parents of students in Years 7 or 9, would have received an individual report in the post over the holidays on their child’s results for the tests they sat in May. These tests in key areas of literacy and numeracy provide parents and educators with a snapshot of how students are progressing- individually, as part of our school community, and nationally. The national standards are those that have been agreed upon by all state and territory governments. 


At Sandringham College we use these results to celebrate success, inform our planning, and target our teaching.


Further information and analysis about whole school achievement will be reported to the community in the coming newsletters.


In brief:


NAPLAN results are out, and the school has many students achieving scores in the top 2 bands, with growth and improvement data showing positive trends. Whilst this already reflects strongly on the school, the aim remains for all staff to continually improve student outcomes. At year 9 we have seen growth in reading and numeracy and we outperform the state and do better than our similar schools. 

Sandy College State 
Reading = 35% in the top 2 bands 21%
Numeracy = 30% in the top 2 bands 20%


If you have not received your child's individual NAPLAN report. Please email the Year 7-9 Campus Principal Vivienne McElwee.


The College has also been identified in the Top 5 Schools (in the local area) with improved endorsement in the Student Attitude to School Survey. 

 201920212022% Change

Sense of connectedness


Stimulated learning51.8%50.2%58.3%+8.1%
Managing Bullying54.7%46.8%51.0%+4.2%
Student voice and agency42.4%37.6%41.1%+3.5%

Attitude to 



2022 - Positive endorsement by students





Stimulating learning58%49%51%
Effective teaching time66%59%61%
Differentiated learning challenge59%53%56%
Effective classroom behaviour 63%54%55%


Michael McGowan

Assistant Principal  

Operations/Data/Assessment and Reporting