Time to shine!     

Jenni Howard, Assistant Principal – Teaching & Learning

Time to shine - Sandy Year 12s are preparing to achieve their personal best!

Students in Year 11 and 12 preparing to sit Unit 3 and 4 exams are well underway with their revision and study. They should be revising content, identifying skills and knowledge that need improvement and be completing exam questions that test areas of difficulty or deficit.

An Englishes Revision Day  is scheduled for students on Monday 17th of October and they will be revisiting key aspects of course content and refining required skills for each section of the exam. Having taught Year 12 English and English Language for many years and examined for VCAA for the past 10 years, (oh and have had the personal experience of three of my own children completing the final exams for year 12), my strongest recommendations for improvement would be that students have a study schedule which incorporates school and home revision sessions for all of their subjects -sometimes focusing only on the subject with the immediate exam ahead can lead to a learning deficit in another subject - so spread the study!  Students should attend their scheduled revision classes, complete timed exercises and practice exams and seek regular feedback concerning improvements from their teacher. I wish all students sitting the these final exams all the best.


Ok kids - so tell us what you really think!

The Attitudes to School Survey is an opportunity for students to voice feedback about our practice and pedagogy.  Stimulating Learning has improved significantly according to the AToSS data, along with a number of other teaching and learning areas. Despite this pleasing improvement in data, we certainly won't be sitting back and taking it easy. After reflecting on this extremely valuable student feedback, Domain Leaders spent time late last term analysing the data and discussing what they could focus on pedagogically and in practice in the future. This culminated in highly considered presentation of their 'Plus, Minus and Improvements' at a whole staff meeting which stimulated valuable professional discussions amongst the staff.  


Term 4 Learning and Teaching

The final Learning Sequence is well underway for students in years 7-11. Students will be completing ALTs prior to the commencement of their exams which are in Week 7.  

Jenni Howard - Assistant Principal Teaching and Learning


Student Voice Matters

Students in Year 7-12 have recently participated in the Pivot Student Perception Survey in their classrooms. This survey amplifies Student Voice and Agency at Sandringham College, giving students an opportunity to provide feedback about their learning in their classroom with their teachers. 


In 2022, Sandringham College students have had a variety of opportunities to become skilled at providing feedback to their teachers. Student perception data is an important part of evaluating the impact of teaching at Sandringham College. Teachers value and respect the voices of students, and use student feedback to plan learning in their classrooms. 


Thank you to our Year 7-12 students for participating in the Pivot Survey and providing feedback to their teachers. 


Jo Hill - Learning Specialist  


Literacy and Numeracy -Term 4

MYLNS Update 2023

The MYLNS (Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy Support) program has been changed by the Department of Education. In 2023, the MYLNS program will exist to support students in Year 10 who test below the National Minimum Standard in Reading and/or Numeracy. At Sandringham College we use MYLNS funding to provide additional teachers in Maths and English as required in year 10 classes. 


Tutoring Update 2023

The tutoring program will continue in 2023. The focus will remain on providing additional targeted small group learning support to the students who need it most. Sandringham College invests in programs designed to support students in literacy and numeracy at Year 7 and Year 8. For literacy, this occurs through the Advance program; for numeracy, through the employment of specialist support teachers. These programs will be continuing in 2023. 


For the remainder of 2022, students in the MYLNS program will be working towards their final literacy/numeracy goals. Parents/Guardians will be contacted towards the end of term in order to discuss the progress that has been made and discuss strategies for 2023. 


If you have any questions, concerns or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Denholm Pickering - Learning Specialist