Getting a Headstart

Amy Porter - College Principal

Upcoming student free days

We have a number of student free days coming up this term. We have tried where possible to schedule these in the last week of school to minimise disruption to the regular teaching program. Some of these days are part of the employment conditions for teachers and some have been caused by the building works at Holloway Road. I apologise for the disruption to our Year 10 and 11 students. 


Friday 14 October - Year 12 celebration day 

We ask that students in Years 10 and 11 work from home as, whilst we have really great Year 12s, we are unable to separate them from the other students due to the extensive building work. The noise and disruption to learning will be extensive.  All 7-9 students will have classes as normal. This is for 2022 only. 


Wednesday 26 October - Year 12 English exam

We simply do not have enough rooms across the College to run the English Exam due to the number of students who have special exam arrangements and need individual rooms in which to complete their exam. We also do not have enough rooms at Bluff Road to move our Year 10 and 11 students there. Year 10 and 11 students will have lessons left online to complete. All 7-9 students will have classes as normal. This is for 2022 only. 


Friday 18 November - Teacher reporting day (DET required)

The school is required to provide teachers with a student free day for reporting. We have scheduled this for the end of exams prior to the commencement of Headstart. Teachers are expected to mark exams on this day to return to students. YEAR 10 students will sit a practice GAT exam on the day in the morning to prepare them for the VCE.  ALL year 10s are expected to attend the AGAT.


Wednesday December 14 - Curriculum Day 

We have the opportunity to receive professional learning on 'differentiation' by expert Glenn Pearsall on this day. Glenn is not available at the start of 2023 but has made himself available for us in December. We are really lucky to get Glenn as a speaker for the whole day as we have set 'differentiation' as a key target for all of our teachers to better support all students to achieve success. Holloway Road students have completed their studies by this time and are not at school. Year 8 & 9 (2022 year 7 and 8) can be supervised at school in the Bluff Road Library for the day. Parents may choose to allow their child to remain at home.


Friday December 16 - Teacher Common Professional Practice Day (DET required)

Sandringham College teachers agreed to take their professional practice day at the end of the year to minimise disruption to student learning. I thank our teachers for agreeing to this. The focus of the day will be on preparing the curriculum for 2023. 


Child Safe Standards at Sandringham College

The Child Safe Standards are at the core of how we operate at Sandringham College. In 2022 all schools were asked to update their policies relating to Child Safety. Our updated policies can be found on our website.


Over the past two months all School Councillors and staff have received training in the Child Safe Standards. We conduct this training each year to ensure that we are up to date with any adjustments to the standards and to ensure that we are cognisant of our obligations regarding the safety of students in our school. 


For further information about the Child Safe Standards please see a link below to a short PDF doc.


Attendance Stars - Movie Voucher Winners 

Congratulations to the following students for being awarded movie vouchers for their excellent attendance. Your voucher can be collected from the Admin Office (Bluff Road) Year Level Leaders Office (Holloway Road).


Fuang HIN-ON - Year 11

Paul LOERBROKS -  Year 10 

Maggie HU - Year 9

Grace HARVIE - Year 9

Archie CLARKE - Year 8

Matthew KOO - Year 8 

Seirai KAMIYA - Year 7

Nish SHETTY - Year 7 

2023 - Getting a Headstart

Monday 21st of November marks the commencement of our new academic year. Below is information is to support a smooth transition by providing clarity of expectations. 


Change of bell times/period length and start and finish of school for 2023

As a result of new employment conditions for teachers, the length of school periods will change in 2023 as will the start and finish times of the school day. The decision to start 10mins earlier and to finish at 2.50pm is a response to the number of students undertaking academies and co-curricular programs. It also reflects the creation and use of SAC centre for Unit 3&4 VCE students. The hope is to be able to start and conclude activities earlier for students and staff. 


Please see the relevant information below

Period 513:10-14:0013:10-14:0013:10-14:0013:10-14:0013:10-14:00
Period 614:00-14:5014:00-14:5014:00-14:5014:00-14:5014:00-14:50


Uniform – Pride in our school


  • All students are expected to wear their blazer to and from school and will be required to take their blazer to each Period 1 class over the three weeks of Head-start. Teachers will be communicating to Year Level leaders of any students who do not have their blazer with them and ongoing failure to have it in class will result in a lunchtime detention. Students will not be required to have their blazer with them on days where the weather will be over 30C. 
  • Visible jewellery – rings, necklaces, anklets, studded belts, wrist bands etc. are not permitted and will be confiscated 
  • Facial piercings in the eyebrow or lip are not permitted BUT students may wear 1 clear nose stud in the nose. 
  • Natural coloured makeup and nail polish permitted. It should not be noticeable. Fake eyelashes or notable lash extensions are not permitted
  • Navy blue or black tights may be worn with the uniform but not torn tights

By the commencement of the 2023 school year we ask that students who have grown out of their uniform purchase the correct length dress/shorts and the correct black lace up shoes (not black runners), and school socks. 


Year 12 – the college is a workplace 

  • Mid-riff tops are not permitted – students who wear a mid-riff top will be given a school sports top to wear for the school day
  • Shorty shorts and short skirts above more than mid-thigh are not permitted and students may be sent home to change
  • Offensive or inappropriate labels/slogans (including playboy bunny insignia) are not permitted

Other important things to remember – learning and safety

  1. By Ministerial Order, student Mobile phones are not permitted anywhere in the College – classroom or yard. Phones must be secured in lockers at the commencement of each day
  2. No bags are permitted in class – with the exception of Year 10 students who will not be provided with a locker until 2023
  3. Earphones and earbuds are not permitted unless the teacher has provided a documented instruction within a lesson plan that a teacher has posted on COMPASS or where a student uses noise cancelling ear buds as a part of an IEP recommendation for ASD.
  4. Digital devices must not be used for gaming or social media access in class nor in the school yard at the Bluff Road Campus
  5. The consumption of water throughout the day is encouraged but other drinks and food must not be consumed in class
  6. Chewing gum is not permitted at the College
  7. Swearing is not permitted in the classroom or school yard and students will be reminded of this. 

Final days for students

Years 10-12 (2023 year groups) = Friday 9 December (VCAL and VM students finish Thursday 8 November)


Years 8 (2022 Year 7 group) 

Monday 12 and Tuesday 13 = Regular skills based classes

Thursday 15 = Activities Day


Years 9 (2022 Year 8 group) 

Monday 12 = Gumbaya World Excursion

Tuesday 13 = Life-skills activities 

Thursday 15 = Activities Day



Friday the 9th of December 

  • Students at HR will be dismissed at 2.30pm to clean out their lockers – students must take everything home with them
  • Bluff Road teachers will be given an indication of locker cleaning times in either period 5 or period 6 


Subject change requests Years 9-12

This following form can be used by students to request changes to their subjects -


Change requests will be open until 5pm on Sunday 16th October 2022.


Students have received their subject allocation email to their email address. Students have been asked to forward the email to the parents so they can prepare for 2023.