Principal's Post

Dear Families,
To recognise national Reconciliation Week, we have some of our Year Six leaders attending the Aquinas Long Walk tomorrow. We also had another representative group of Year Six leaders attend the Whitehorse Council Flag Raising Ceremony on Friday to commemorate Sorry Day.
(More information & photos on Education in Faith page)
It is important to acknowledge these important events and ceremonies so that we can help educate our students about events of the past and how we can all work together to create a better Australia, especially for our Indigenous Australians.
Last week we sent out the Student Safety Code of Conduct and the Parent Code of Conduct via Operoo. Thanks to the 179 family members who have already responded and agreed to abide by these important documents. Please check your Operoo account and reply to acknowledge your acceptance of these documents.
We wish all of our Confirmation Candidates all the best as they attend one of the parish commitment masses this weekend at St John's.
We are very proud of the twenty students who represented St James at the Division Cross Country event today at Ruffy Lake Park. Congratulations to Isaac and Xavier who progressed through to the Regional event.
Student Absences
Please note the following procedures for parents to follow regarding student absences;
- Parents must notify the class teacher AND the school office when sending an email (
- Parents may call the office and leave a voice message which will be passed onto the class teacher.
- All notifications must be received by 8.45am and include reason for absence.
- Unless clearly stated via an email, we do require parents to report in absences on a daily basis.
- An SMS will be sent to families to track down students unaccounted for.
Frank St Crossing Supervisor
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Frank Street Crossing Supervisor is unable to supervise the crossing on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Until the Council provides a replacement, our staff will be rostered on to supervise the crossing before and after school. We will continue to update you with any further communication as we receive it from the Council.
Beanies and Scarves
Winter is certainly upon us and students are permitted to wear beanies and scarfs outdoors. Please ensure that all clothing items worn to school are clearly labelled with their name.
Marathon Club - QR codes
We have introduced a few initiatives to Wednesday morning Marathon Club including; QR codes for students to track and count their laps, a house colour total lap competition and Year Six Leaders taking the warm ups.
The new recording system using QR codes will be able to count the total number of laps students complete for their house colour.
Footy Tips Update
1st Place - Hutt Family 71
2nd Place - NJonesy24 and Bomber Liam - both on 69 winners
4th Place - Lovick Family - 68
Other News/Dates
- Tuesday 6th June - Scholastic Book Club orders due back.
- Tues 29 & Wed 30 August - School Concert Production at Crossways in East Burwood.
Have a great week.