What’s Happening in Careers?
Year 10
This is a BIG term for the Year 10 group as they move towards subject selection. They will be hearing from Heads of Learning areas in their MyPath sessions and extended form times over the first part of the term. These presentations will provide the boys with the details about the courses on offer in each learning area, the prerequisites to enter these courses and what to expect from each course.
There will be a Parent Presentation on Tuesday 16 May which will also help guide parents through the process. A trybooking link was sent out for this today (see From the Deputy Principal section). In Week 9 the boys will be involved in our MyPath week which will offer them opportunities to find out more about pathways and their options before they select their courses. In Week 10 each student will meet with a course counsellor along with their parents to discuss their decision making process and finalise their choices. Hopefully, by this stage, students should feel confident with the decisions that they are making.
Year 11
The Year 11 students have a session next week to look at University courses or prepare for the upcoming workplace learning.
Year 12
The University bound group had a presentation from TISC to overview the process and how to apply for University courses. We will be following this session up by looking specifically at setting up preferences in a later session. Prior to this, it would be great if students could register with TISC. There is an $88 application fee. They log on using their WACE number (on their diary) and with the first time password of the first two letters of their surname and then full date of birth. The General cohort had a session with Mrs Johnson to discuss the upcoming workplace learning.
New Newsletter Format
Please find attached the ‘In Focus’ newsletter compiled by Bev Johnson. This is an incredibly rich resource for information about Careers and VET. There are a number of opportunities for engagement with Universities as well as up to date information about changes to Early Offers and courses. Please take some time to read through the document. There are links to relevant events and opportunities.
Careers, VET and WPL News Portal
Parents and students can access this portal via SEQTA. It is updated regularly with news and opportunities and is a great resource.
Kylie Eaton
Careers Information Coordinator