Education News 

Year Two/Three News!


Last Wednesday as part of our inquiry unit, ‘Who is the Boss of my Brain? -I am!’, children in the Year Two and Three team participated in team building sessions run by Supreme Incursions here at school. These sessions involved children working in groups to undertake challenges requiring them to work together, building on a variety of team building skills.

It was great to see the children working together to overcome challenges. They were fully engaged in the activities, supporting and encouraging each other and never giving up! As a follow-up to the incursion, children reflected on the strategies they used throughout the session and how we can apply concepts such as collaboration, co-operation, sharing, persevering, building trust, communication, etc.  to develop and maintain strong relationships.

I hope you enjoy some of the images included from the session. I know you will agree that it looks like heaps of fun too!

Jenny Irvine (on behalf of the 2/3 Team)

Annual State School Expo

After school on Wednesday 21st March, the annual  State School Expo was held in the gym. Families within the Moonee Valley Network with children in grades 4, 5 & 6 attended the expo and had the opportunity to meet the Principals, some teachers and  Year 7 students from the following local state Secondary Schools:

  • Buckley Park Secondary College
  • Mount Alexander Secondary College
  • Essendon/ Keilor College (East Keilor and Niddrie campuses)
  • Rosehill Secondary College
  • Strathmore Secondary College

These schools had a display and information handouts for interested families. If you would like a copy of any information please see the Year 7 Transition display table in the hallway outside the entrance to the Performance Space.

Reminder - Information Night 

To our families and friends of MPW,

You are invited to attend an Information night on Wednesday 2nd of May in the Performance space at 7.00pm through to 8.30pm.







We are very happy to announce that David Hornsby will be presenting and  speaking about the teaching of English and the importance of a balanced approach.


Some of the things he will talk about include:

  • What do we actually do when we’re reading?  How does the reading process work?
  • How can we help our children with reading at home?
  • Why is phonics always a ‘hot topic’?
  • What is phonics, and what place does it have in a literacy program?
  • How does our spelling system work?  (It’s not all about sound.)

This is David’s 51st year in education. He is passionate about teaching and learning and doesn’t want to retire!

David was with the Victorian Ministry of Education for 28 years and taught at every year level from Prep to Year 6. During that time, he also lectured at La Trobe University, the University of Melbourne and RMIT University. For 4 years, he was an Education Department consultant in both primary and secondary schools and then returned to the primary classroom. He was the principal of Ringwood Heights Primary School, a school he loved, for 5 years.

He is currently in demand as an education consultant in schools and in conference centres across Australia and in many parts of the world. He has completed many lecture tours of the USA and the UK, and has also worked with teachers in China, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malta, New Zealand and Singapore.