Principal's report

Draft Vision Statement and Values

Today the Vision and Values Working Group reconvened and commenced the work of drafting a Vision Statement and School Values for further community consultation. 


If anyone wishes to provide further feedback and/ or responses to the 4 questions below could they please do so by Thursday.


The questions for your consideration are:

  • What is it about this school that led you to send your child(ren) here and not somewhere else? Why was this important?
  • What is important to your child(ren) at school right now?
  • What kind of person do you want your child(ren) to be?
  • What could/does the school do to prepare your child(ren) for the future?


Once the vision statement and school values have been drafted they will be displayed around the school, placed in the school newsletter and on the school website for a further round of feedback before reconvening the Working Group  to write a final draft of a Vision statement and school Values to take as a recommendation to School Council on May 28th.


Thank you to all members of the school community who responded to the four questions and/or attended workshops/meetings to discuss our school’s vision statement and values.


Thank you also to the members of the working group for their contributions in facilitating the consultation process for students, staff and parent/carer’s.


The consultation process is to enable the views of all community members to be heard – students, families, teachers – whilst being guided by DET policies and legislative requirements. We are not aiming for consensus, rather we are wanting to elicit the key themes that emerge across the consultations. These will be used to shape the Vision and Values for the school for the next 4 years.

Enrolment Tours for 2019 Foundation Students

Enrolment tour dates for prospective 2019 Foundation students are now listed on the school’s website.

Reminder - Photo Day

The school photos will take place on Wednesday 28th March. 

AWFL pioneer retires

Our own Bree White, a pioneer of the Australian Women's Football League, has announced her retirement from Collingwood.  Congratulations Bree on your trailblazing career.  Please see below the link to an article celebrating Bree's career.

Reminder - Fundraising

Further suggestions as to what our fundraising efforts could be directed towards are most welcome. All suggestions can be forwarded to the school’s email address or dropped into the office.

Movie Night

Tonight is our annual movie night.  One of our major fundraising events will be held in warm weather and under a clear sky tonight. I hope to see all our community members  enjoying the event this evening.

Secondary School Expo

The annual Secondary School Expo was held in the school gym on Wednesday 21st March. Please see the report in Education News.

2018 School Elections

After the close of voting at 4 pm Thursday 15th of March 2018 and the counting of ballot papers I declare the following nominees duly elected to the Moonee Ponds West Primary School Council;


Parent Members

  • Ben Atchison
  • Nigel Keegan
  • Lisa Shaw

At the close of nominations on the 19th February I declare the following nominees duly elected to the Moonee Ponds West Primary School Council,


DET Members

  • Michelle Bovè
  • Alyena Mohummadally

Thank you to all candidates who nominated for the School Council Election. The first council meeting for this new School Council will be held on Monday 26th March 2018 in the Principal’s Office (Admin Building) at 7.00 pm.  

Whole School Assembly next week

A reminder that the school assembly next week will be on Thursday at 9:00 am.

End of Term

A reminder that all children will be dismissed from classes at 2:30 pm on Thursday next week. School resumes on Monday April 16th.


Enjoy the  weekend,



Notices Home

Friday 23rd March

  • Room 17 - Inquiry Unit