Education News 

Remembrance Day Poems

by the 3/4s in Room 17


This term the grade 3/4s are learning about diversity through celebrations and commemorations. Room 17 took a look at Remembrance Day and learnt about the various traditions associated with it all around the world.

It was originally called ‘Armistice Day’ following the signing of a peace treaty at the end of World War I. After World War II however, the name was changed to ‘Remembrance Day’ to recognise the soldiers who had fought across the two wars.

All around the world, people commemorate Remembrance Day with similar traditions such as the playing of ‘The Last Post’ on the bugle, wearing poppies and observing a minute of silence.

This term through directed writing, we are also learning about poetry. This week we learnt about cinquain poems. These types of poems are made up of five  lines that do not rhyme. Each line follows a particular structure:

Line 1= 1 word (title)

Line 2= 2 words (describing the title)

Line 3= 3 words (expressing action)

Line 4= 4 words (word phrase about the title)

Line 5= 1 word (synonym for title)


This week we decided to write our own cinquain poems about Remembrance Day. We hope you enjoy reading them!



Environment Committee Expression of Interest

Expressions of interest for new members of the MPWPS Environment and Sustainability Sub-Committee.

The Environment and Sustainability Sub-Committee is a vibrant, innovative and progressive committee and are looking for more interested members of the school community to join the membership of this group.

The role of the Environment and Sustainability Sub-Committee is to provide strategic direction and leadership to ensure that MPW supports and encourages best practice in regards to Environmental/Sustainability issues. The Environment and Sustainability Sub-Committee has an overarching aim to promote an environmentally friendly and sustainable school, thereby reducing the environmental footprint of our school community. It will focus on reductions in resource usage, waste and cost, but also has the potential to improve educational services and thereby facilitate the delivery of effective and sustainable education into the future.


Environment and Sustainability Sub-Committee members will be responsible for helping to:

  • Provide a forum for sharing ideas
  • Foster collaboration across the school community
  • Design a coordinated approach to address deficiencies apparent from surveys, or educational experiences
  • Consider and develop strategies to minimise resource usage and waste across services, including helping to seek grant funding opportunities for these strategies
  • Facilitate implementation of these strategies.


The Environment and Sustainability Sub-Committee meets every second month at 6:00pm on a Wednesday night (next meeting 21st November). If you are interested in joining the Sub-Committee and helping to contribute to this important group, please contact Sandra Monaghan at the school office.