Principal's report

Greetings Parents, Carers and Students of Moonee Ponds West PS,

Last Thursday we had our first Foundation Transition session for newly enrolled children starting their primary learning journey. It was wonderful to see their excitement and welcome parents/carers to the first Information Session on Reading.  Sessions in the classrooms went well and some of our current students enjoyed the opportunity to go to another class and have a special activity.  Being able to adapt to change within the school setting (like going to another class and working with others) enables socialisation and responsibility.  Well done to all.  The next session is this Thursday and the Parent/Carer Information session will focus on Numeracy. 

Music, Music, Music

We have lots of music performances happening this week.  There are two nights of the Sound Garage performances in the Performance Space commencing tonight (Tuesday) and Wednesday.  The entrance closest is in Eglinton Sreet and will be open. Enjoy your child’s efforts to perform, as this is part of learning a musical instrument.

Then on Thursday (Nov 15), we have the MVIMP Concert that caps off a year of learning for the students from the four schools involved.  The concert is held at Moonee Valley and is a huge event. The logistics are incredible! Hope to see you there. As we want the show to run smoothly and all children to be performing in the best possible environment, please speak with your child about what I call ‘concert behaviour’.  Concert behaviour demonstrates good listening, sitting and enjoyment of all items even the ones brother and sisters, sons and daughters may not be in!  Remember we are an audience and we listen and enjoy all parts of the concert.  On the flip side, the teachers and tutors will be moving things as quickly and respectfully as they can, so that the night is succinct and flows.  There are also lots of raffles to be won, so bring your spare change!

This year MPWPS is organising the MVIMP Concert and that entails the rehearsal times, buses, practice timetables, organising the raffles and much much more.  Thank-you to Sandra Monaghan (our Business Manager) who has steered this big ship with skill and precision and only a few grey hairs!  A mighty job!  If you are attending the concert on Thursday, enjoy and marvel at the skill of children!

Australian Mathematics Competition

Australian Mathematics Competition: At the assembly this week, we acknowledged the participation of 47 students in this year’s competition.  There were many good results with all children doing their very best.  Well done to all students who participated.

The Toilet Rebuild

The project has commenced and work was done last weekend, and will be completed again this coming weekend, before the full demolition commences.  We have a bank of portable toilets that the children are finding quite intriguing, and a section of the Lennox Street entry closed off to pedestrians. We have relocated the Bike Racks.  With NO ENTRY at Lennox Street all bikes now are to enter via Athol or Eglinton Street to access the racks. 

Please note:  The school grounds will be CLOSED to ALL next weekend as the work on the internals of toilet are completed.

Well that is about it from me.  Until we meet in person, have a safe and satisfying week with your family and at your workplace.



Kerri Simpson

Principal (Acting)