Around the Traps - 2/3C

Josh Carr

The class has been doing great work in all areas, here is a little run down of what we have been up to.



This week the Maths focus has been Addition and Subtraction strategies, we are building our knowledge of doubles, near doubles and adding or subtracting 9, 10 and 11. Students are gaining confidence in working with these sums through some hands-on activities using playing cards and dice.



In writing lessons, we have started writing narratives.  We have revised the basic structure of a narrative with a beginning, a complication or a problem and then resolution of the complication.  The students are building up to writing their own stories and have been practising by changing the ending and complication to some familiar stories.   


In reading we have been getting back into our routines of independent reading, partner reading and then reading at home and filling in our reading logs.  This week we are also identifying the beginning, middle and end in the stories we read.    


RE (Religious Education)

This week students have been given the opportunity to discover ways to use their gifts and talents to serve others during Lent as a preparation for Easter.