Message From Our 


Dear Parents and Caregivers,


Reconciliation Week is a time for us all to focus on learning about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. The week began with National Sorry Day, which marks the anniversary of the 1967 referendum when Australians voted to remove clauses from the Australian Constitution because they discriminated against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and closes on 3 June, the anniversary of the 1992 Supreme Court Mabo Decision, which held that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples’ rights over their lands did survive British colonisation. Next week Yr 5/6 will join with Michael Chisholm, CES Aboriginal Officer and Troy Firebrace to participate in Yapameyepuka Day, a day of learning about our shared histories and cultures.


Today we had a lovely Liturgy to launch the Term 2 Social Justice focus, Our Winter Appeal. Thank you to St Vinnie's who came along to our Liturgy and spoke of the great support our Winter Appeal is to them. Each class has been asked to bring items to school that will be donated to the Vinnies Winter Appeal. Please add a few extra items in your shopping trolley this week for our collection. Thank you, Debbie Turvey and the Catholic Identity team, for coordinating this very important appeal.


Last week the School Advisory Council met and discussed a variety of issues.  The MALL will have PV cells and rain water tanks installed which is an ideal educational opportunity for our school community to engage in the future environmental benefits of these decisions. Our newsletter will include a page around Sustainability where we will share the important actions Sacred Heart are doing in this area. A new page introducing our SAC members to the school community will be shared in our newsletters over the coming weeks.


We have continued to experience many absences both with staff and students throughout Term 2. While good school attendance is always promoted and encouraged at Sacred Heart, the health and safety of all is our first priority. If children are not well, they need time to recuperate and rest at home.


As part of the Winter school uniform, school approved shorts may be worn. Short shorts are not acceptable. We ask that children dress appropriately and responsibly for the weather conditions. Correct sports uniform may only be worn on the allocated sports days. Thank you to families who ensure their children come to school each day in the correct uniform, it is greatly appreciated. We have some second-hand uniforms available, please see the School News page.


It was lovely to have a visit from TCC Kinder this week. The children enjoyed the little excursion and the opportunity to experience school. We look forward to welcoming GPPS next week.

F/1 enjoyed their excursion to Echuca and the hands on science activities and workshops. Yr 2 will visit TwistEd this week to enrich the learning in this term’s Science focus. 5/6 recently competed in Winter Sports Division Championships in Soccer, Netball or Tee Ball and it was lovely to hear that everyone competed in the true Sacred Heart spirit. Thank you to all the parents who came along to help or support the teams. The whole school enjoyed the Alpha performance of Beauty and The Beast. This was a very memorable, high quality live performance with a strong message to the audience about making choices. I hope your children have shared something of the experiences they have enjoyed in the extra curricular activities over the past couple weeks.


Thank you to Oliver Dainton and Lola MacKenzie for representing Sacred Heart  at a very important event recently. The City of Greater Shepparton reached a global milestone, planting the largest number of trees in the world as part of the One Tree per Child initiative. Gardening Australia guru Costa came along for the celebrations and Lola and Ollie got their hands dirty adding to the number of trees planted for the launch of the next 1000,000 plants.  Thank you Paul Dainton your support. 


Unfortunately, I do not have any updates for the MALL build. We are still waiting on the steel to arrive before the project can go any further.


Congratulations to Mitchell Hansford who received the Principal’s Award. Mitchell is a kind and helpful class member. He always shows respect by listening and getting ready for learning quickly. He is a quiet achiever and enjoys the challenge of learning new skills and improving. Mitchell has shown growth in all his learning areas and helps other students when he can and always offers to help teachers as well. He is friendly and welcoming and always follows our school PBIS values. Well done, Mitchell.


Congratulations to Paige Sanford on her recent Baptism and to Eva Hernandez who will be baptised at Sacred Heart this week. This important Sacrament officially welcomes these two children into the church and we ask God to bless them and their families on this very special occasion.


Please note Friday 10th of June is a Pupil Free Day. Staff will be undertaking a Learning and Teaching Professional Development Day on Aboriginal perspectives and assessment strategies.


May the Sacred Heart of Jesus continue to watch over our school community and bless us always.


Pauline Hindson 










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