School Sustainability

Why Care for the Environment?

Waste Free Lunches

At Sacred Heart School we try to limit our contribution to landfill by reducing the amount of waste we produce this in turn benefits the environment by reducing energy and resource use. We encourage our families to send their children with a waste free lunch which means only packing items which can be composted or recycled. This means no plastic wrap, no foil and no zip lock bags.


The Healthy Kids Association has the following tips on how to pack a waste free lunch:

  • Make a tray of muffins and keep them frozen. Remove one each morning and place it in the lunch box – it will thaw by lunch time.
  • Pop your own popcorn and pack it in a paper bag. Remind your child to dispose of the paper bag in the  recycle bin at school.
  • Make your own snack mix with dried fruit (apples, sultanas, banana), pepitas, sunflower seeds, and put in in a container for recess.
  • Pack a handful of dried cereal (such as Weet-bix bites or Cheerios) in a small reusable container.
  • Cut your own cheese slices and place them with crackers in a smaller Tupperware container.


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