Kid's Corner

Winter Sports
On Friday the 19th of May the Grade 5/6 students went to the Winter Sports. Winter sports are when Grade 5’s and 6’s from lots of schools around the area come together and play Football, Soccer, Netball or T-ball. Sacred Heart had 2 T-ball teams, 2 Netball teams, 1 Soccer team and no Football teams. The first T-ball team won 1 out of 4 games. The second T-ball team tied on the third game, came close to a win on the last game and lost the other 2. The soccer team sadly lost all the games. The first netball team won 3 out of 5 games and the second netball team also won 3 out of 5 games. The experience in T-ball was fun, challenging, loud, cold and meeting new people. The experience for netball was easy, different because there were boys playing, cold and kind of wet. The soccer experience was challenging, fun, wet, muddy and slippery. In all the sports, we are pleased to say that the Sacred Heart children had displayed great sportsmanship and respect.
Jokes and Riddles
The answers will be in next week's newsletter apart from the knock knock joke.
- Why did the banana go to the hospital?
- If a dam takes 60 days to be filled and it doubles every day. What day will it be half full?
- What is the next three letters in this combination OTTFFSS?
- Knock Knock. Who’s there? Interrupting cat. Interrupting cat- meow 😹.