Remote Learning Newsletter

News from the Principal

Greetings families and community members of MPWPS,

Here we are at Week 6; some call it the mountain of the term! You have all done so well thus far, managing the demands of Remote Learning, your own work and your families! Stay focused and positive and encourage your children to do the same. Don’t hesitate to be in touch with your class teacher if you find engagement waning.  It is normal for this to occur and for children to begin to disengage or say ‘I’m bored’.  Well Kerri says boredom is ‘a state of mind’ and requires that we change how we approach or think about a task and work harder to ensure we connect and extend ourselves regardless of what our friends or other class mates are doing. Sounds easy hey! But it’s not that simple. It is worth thinking about and discussing as a family.  There’s a saying:


Good, better, best

May I never let it rest

Until my best is better 

and my better is my best!


It’s cool to be smart, and it’s cool to give your best always. As your Principal I work every day to ensure that the learning environment supports risk taking, and enables children to be wrong with confidence and without ridicule. 

Monday’s Virtual Assembly

As I have mentioned before, this is the highlight of my week. This week the children in room 15 sharing  their introductions to information texts was one of the many assembly highlights.  Also what about surfing one day and snow the next, all in a holiday destination that begins with L!. We did have a little problem with the sound but we still could see the glow in the dark slime! The maths counting of groups demonstrated the developing understanding of place value. We had some eccentric scientists, fitness fanatics and brave bike riders as well. Well done to all children who took time to send in videos of their learning at home.  Please enjoy Mondays Virtual Assembly within this weeks Education News.

Can’t wait till next week. I wonder what we will see?? Maybe you have something special to share!

It’s quiet at School  

I am guessing you might be wondering what’s happening at school? Well to be quite honest not much. It’s very quiet! Most days I sneak up to the BER to see the few children who are onsite. I pester them to read to me, and ask about their learning. They are very polite I must say.  I enjoy the days when I am on yard duty and get to see the games the children are engaged in. Last week there was a group of twelve children of all ages playing Hide and Seek.  I know you  will be missing your class mates and teachers, and we are all waiting for you to return when it is safe to do so.  In the meantime, work hard at home, and try to work as independently as your age allows. 

Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences in Week 7

Please book your time with the teacher on COMPASS.  The opportunity to speak with the teacher around Remote Learning and how things are going is very important.  Your class teacher will be working on developing the next learning goal(s) with your child.  If you are wanting additional time to explore your child’s learning, please make this with the teacher at the conclusion of the Conference. Your child is to be present in the Conference, so that they can assist with the commentary on their learning, and be meaningfully involved.  As a community we remind each other of respectful interactions and conversations especially when we have differing views.  Enjoy your conferences, and there will be an opportunity for your feedback at the conclusion of the process. 

Neighbourhoods and children’s Play

As I write I am looking out my window at a family playing in the park in front of my house. Squeals of delight and tears of frustration reign across the grass. They have a Billy Cart! Some older children or parents may remember MPWPS Billy Cart Derby!  What fun and the skills that the children learnt from this day will no doubt have followed them for many years. Other days and special MPWPS events will be curtailed this year. Our usual whole school Show Day will be a non-starter, but not gone forever.  Maybe families can have their own Show Day! I know it is a favourite of the children. Who could forget the Dunking the Teddy stall or the Ghost House!  All that writing and organising! Learning in a different form. 

I think it is important to honour the past in order to create a new future.  Our current situation can create opportunities that we may miss if we are not tuned in.  Talk with your children and try to stay as positive as you can.    We need to keep looking for the opportunities so they don’t pass us by. 


Until we are able to meet in person

Stay well and safe 





Kerri Simpson



Have you got a poem in your pocket?

Please go to the Education news to enjoy Kerri's poem reading.

Look what's happened

Time is marching on and look it seems like Spring is close at hand!

Year 7 Transition

Tomorrow families of students in year 6 will be receiving via email notification of their child's Year 7 Placement. 

Please look out for this notification tomorrow morning, please notify the Office if do not receive your email or if you have any queries regarding the placement.