School Council

School Council Membership 2022/2023
Parent members:
- Fiona Limoli
- Brian Stanley - President
- Laura Tripp
- Rick Bottiglieri - Vice President
- Kate Collinson
- Thomas Rundle - Treasurer
DET members:
- Kerri Simpson - Executive Officer
- Helen Lockart
- Lisa McLachlan
- Jarrod Sutton
- Sandra Monaghan - School Council Secretary
School Council Meeting Report
23rd May 2022
This month’s School Council meeting immediately followed the Annual General Meeting (AGM). All School Council Members were grateful to the staff who attended this AGM for sharing their overviews and insights of their curriculum area of focus. Their time and expertise were appreciated.
Junior School Council:
It was reported that the Junior School Council have met and are discussing the production of a video on recycling to educate the whole school community on how to recycle effectively. They have identified that the current situation of recycling at MPWPS is not as effective as it could be.
School Principal Report:
The process for the School Review is beginning. The review will take place early in Term 4. This will be an opportunity for reflection of current practice. The leadership team are beginning to gather documentation and data to assist with this process. Further information will be provided to the community throughout this review process.
Staffing Updates:
Miranda De Virgilio is now teaching PE for the remainder of the year. Emma Campbell has gone on maternity leave and Kellie Meehan has also said goodbye to have a baby.
Student Free Day:
On June the 8th all staff will be involved in a Professional Practice Day, as advised by the Department of Education. This will be a pupil free day. Camp Australia will offer care for those who would like to access it.
Sandra reported on the school uniform decision to stay with Lowes as the main supplier for the school uniforms after investigating other uniform providers. It was found the Lowes was cost effective and competitive.
Education Committee:
NAPLAN was successful for the first time using the online forum to complete the tasks. Discussion was had in relation to reviewing and updating the school uniform policy. Much of the policy has been drafted.
New School Council Positions:
Thanks to both Tom Rundle, nominated to be Treasurer, and Rick Bottigileri, nominated to be Vice President. Both accepted these nominations. The School Council are appreciative of you both taking on these roles and the responsibilities that are associated.
Capital Works Grant:
A presentation was shared of the recommendations for the process on how to manage the grant for the $7.627m project for the Building Works Package. The original submission was tagged for the development of the infant area, library and playground. The start of the process is to look at the Asset Management Plan (AMP1) and what boundaries are in place to ensure the project meets the needs of the school community. This first stage focuses on the schools ‘educational vision, direction and aspirations and current facilities. The AMP2 considers the design of the facilities that best support the desired outcomes. The first stage AMP phase one reflects on how well the school’s existing learning environments meet the needs of students, staff and the broader community. It will be a very consultative process with all stakeholders. A survey will be forwarded to the community to begin this consultative process. There is a clear framework and timelines in place to guide schools in how to manage both parts of this project. The AMP1 stage is anticipated to take up to a year to complete. The original funding letter informs how the funds will be used along with consultation with the community. An additional meeting will be held by School Council to endorse the AMP1 submission before the due date, 9th June.
School Uniform:
Discussions took place about the recommendations from Education Committee regarding the School Uniform. Compulsory and Non-compulsory school uniform and for School Council to make the decision about the status of the school uniform.
Considerations were taken into account including costs and affordability to families, timelines, the update of the uniform policy and unpacking the data from community surveys; all of these factors drove the discussions leading to the updating of the Dress Code Policy and towards a decision about whether MPWPS should be a school that has compulsory or non-compulsory uniform.
As a result of this a confidential vote was taken and determined that School Uniform will become compulsory at MPWPS. Further information was forwarded in a letter to the school community on Friday, 27th May explaining the process, the decision and an indicative timeline for what happens for the implementation.
It was a long meeting with rich discussion.
Fiona Limoli
School Councillor
Annual General Meeting 23rd May 2022
On Monday 23rd of May our 2022 AGM was held, where the 2021 Annual report to the School Community was tabled.
Please find attached the presentation from the evening and the Annual Report 2022 which is also available on our website at
School Council Meetings 2022
Education Committee - 6:30pm
- Monday6th June
- Monday 1st August
- Monday 10th October
- Monday 7th November
Resources Committee 6:30pm
- Tuesday 14th June
- Tuesday 9th August
- Tuesday 11th October
- Tuesday 8th November
- Thursday 8th December